Americans Must Rise Up to Call an End to Attacks on Immigrant Families and Restore Our Values It’s a moment of truth for House members this week when they vote on two anti-immigrant bills. The Goodlatte and Ryan-Trump bills essentially do the same thing: both create an underclass of...
A recording of today’s call is available here. As the Trump administration continues to take children from their parents as part of their unprecedented and recently-initiated “zero tolerance” policy, and as President Trump and House leadership gear up to divert attention to House immigration votes later this week, experts gathered...
Condemnations rain down from across the country and across the spectrum As a humanitarian crisis at the border builds, outrage over Trump’s family separation policies escalates. Burgess Everett, John Bresnahan, and Rachel Bade of Politico report: … The administration’s decision to separate children from parents has elevated the issue...
Updated: June 21, 2018 For more than a month now, the Trump Administration has been separating children from their families and locking them in cages with little more than space blankets for warmth. For a time, the Administration wasn’t allowing anyone in to see these children — raising questions...
Jun 18, 2018
Questions and Answers Can the Trump administration immediately stop separating families at the border, without an act of Congress? Yes. Last month, the Trump administration unilaterally implemented a new policy that results in family separations. On May 7, Attorney General Sessions delivered remarks confirming a “zero tolerance” policy in...
From Laura Bush to Cher to Lin-Manuel Miranda and John Legend, here’s what celebrities have been saying about the Trump Administration’s horrific policy of separating children from their families at the border: I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries,...
Congress is a Sideshow; Trump is the Main Event Don’t be distracted by the side show in Congress. Don’t be confused by the lies, obfuscation, and blame shifting from the White House. Be aware of the cynical strategy we are all witnessing. With observers across America horrified by Trump’s...
This Father’s Day, many fathers across the country will be having backyard BBQs with their children, receiving tools and tech gadgets and hugs. For untold numbers of immigrant fathers however, the day will be different. Immigrant fathers along the border may be in the next room over from their...
Instead, It Would Prolong Detention of Children in Poor Conditions, End Decades Old Law That Protects Refugees Seeking Protection NBC reports House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan is claiming his immigration bill includes a provision to end family separation. A leaked outline of the bill says the bill would...
Last night, as detention centers reached capacity, filled with kids ripped from their parents, the administration announced that it will open the first ‘tent city’ to house children – tents, propped up in the middle of the Texas desert. The crackdown seems destined to get worse. But as the...