On NBC’s Meet the Press this morning, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) once again tried to defend and justify his recent claims that most DREAMers are actually drug smugglers with “calves the size of cantaloupes.”  This time, however, GOP strategist Ana Navarro was there to take him to task for... Continue »
The Scope and Energy of Immigration Reform Activities Beats the Ranting of a Pair of Nativist Kings  Creating a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants is supported by a bipartisan majority of the House.  The only thing standing in the way is Republican leadership’s insistence on requiring a majority of Republicans... Continue »
Is Steve King running for President?  A few outlets seem to think it’s a possibility, based on news this week that King (already from Iowa) is soon visiting South Carolina.  He’ll be meeting with some right-wingers there, as well as some local politicians. As Peter Hamby at CNN reported:... Continue »
Senators Harkin and Durbin Join Business, Labor, DREAMers, and Others to Host Forum for Commonsense Immigration Reform Today, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tom Harkin (D-IA) visited Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) district to hold a pro-immigration forum in the wake of King’s ugly comments equating DREAMers with drug runners who have “calves the... Continue »
“Respect Our Families, Respect Our Work, and Give Us a Vote on Citizenship” View the photoblog here As Members of Congress head home for the August recess, United Farm Workers, United We Dream and America’s Voice sent all 224 of them off on today, with a sweet American-grown cantaloupe,... Continue »
Jorge Ramos–Univision’s news anchor and a man who has been called the “Walter Cronkite of Spanish-language news” has an op-ed today at ABC News/Univision blasting the Republican Party for its intransigence on immigration reform. Ramos notes that a couple weeks ago–before Steve King’s latest comments about DREAMers being drug runners... Continue »
The immigration reform movement is ready for the August recess.  Advocates are organizing events, gearing up for town halls and making sure members of Congress feel the heat.  The demand?  Give us a vote on citizenship.  The fact is that a bipartisan majority for immigration reform with an inclusive... Continue »
In her weekly column, Maribel Hastings, from America’s Voice, argues that if the House of Representatives approved Steve King’s amendment to defund DACA, their best way to apologize for King’s anti-immigrant comments would be to allow a vote for immigration reform with a path to citizenship.  Here’s her column,... Continue »
We warned House Republicans: following Steve King’s latest outrageous comments about most DREAMers being drug runners with “calves the size of cantaloupes,” there would be growing consequences for the Republican Party if House GOPers failed to disassociate themselves from Steve king (in terms of actions, not just w0rds).  Today, PPP... Continue »
Frank Sharry: “Speaker Boehner Allowed Steve King a Vote to Deport DREAMers, Why Not a Similar Vote on a Path to Citizenship?” New polling released today by Public Policy Polling (PPP) demonstrates that voters grasp the damage Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) immigration approach is having on the GOP and... Continue »