Oct 22, 2012
UPDATED: Univision just published a fact-check on this ad. Here’s an excerpt: “And to achieve permanent solutions for undocumented youth.” During the primaries, Romney said he would veto the current version of the DREAM Act, which would have given undocumented youth a special path to citizenship for those that...
Today’s New York Times has a front page article titled, “Campaigns See Latino Voters as Deciders in 3 Key States,” discussing the Latino vote in Colorado, Florida and Nevada. From the headline, one might get the impression that the battle for the Latino vote in those three states is actually...
Oct 18, 2012
The exchange on immigration during the second presidential debate has misled some observers into believing that Mitt Romney has softened his position on immigration. Unfortunately, that is not the case. His strategy the other night–as it has been the entire general election season when it comes to immigration–was to wrap his...
With Immigration Sound Bites that Sound Softer to the Unitiated, Romney Tries to Put Rhetorical Lipstick on the Substantive Pig The immigration discussion at the second presidential debate has led some observers to conclude that Mitt Romney has softened his position on immigration. Unfortunately, that is not the case. His...
Maribel Hastings is a senior adviser to America’s Voice: WASHINGTON—When immigration finally came up as a topic in a presidential debate, Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s response earned him the title of Cynic-in-Chief. He continued to attack President Barack Obama for failing to pass an immigration reform bill that neither...