Republicans in the House of Representatives seem to be planning to ignore immigration reform this Congress, to the detriment of the country, Colorado, and their own political interests. Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and his fellow Republicans have offered weak excuses for their inaction, despite the fact... Continue »
One year ago today, the RNC released its Growth and Opportunity Project / 2012 autopsy report — a document which recognized its missteps in the last presidential election and offered prescriptions on how to attract more voters to their tent.  They even encouraged Congressional Republicans to pass immigration reform, because,... Continue »
Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) became the latest member of Congress to call on President Obama to address his rate of deportations and stop the separation of families, when he spoke out at a public hearing on immigration policy and deportations on Monday in Las Vegas. Horsford was joined by... Continue »
The Legal Authority and Political Consequences of Executive Action on Deportations In February, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) slammed the brakes on immigration reform.  Last week, President Obama ordered Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to review his options for executive action to reduce deportations.  These developments beg the question: if... Continue »
For at least some amount of time after their 2012 shellacking, Republicans understood that they had to seriously change their image and become more attractive to more voters if they were ever to win back the White House.  Exhibit #1 was their 23-75% rout with Latino voters, which was why... Continue »
Latin Times: What Does Obama Administration Immigration-Enforcement Review Mean For Deportation Policy? By David Iaconangelo VOXXI: One year after autopsy report: Has the GOP made progress? By Griselda Nevarez Creative Loafing Tampa (Political Animal blog): Latino advocacy group says GOP is all talk, no action on immigration By Mitch... Continue »
Tomorrow, it will have been one year since the Republican National Committee (RNC) issued a post-election autopsy analyzing the GOP’s shortcomings in 2012 and making recommendations on how the GOP can ensure a different outcome in future presidential elections.  Notably, the RNC autopsy captured that the Republican Party’s historically... Continue »
Washington Post (Plum Line): The Morning Plum: On immigration, Obama is in a jam By Greg Sargent Huffington Post: Obama Urges Immigration Advocates To Keep Focus On Congress By Elise Foley McClatchy: Obama meets with immigration advocates in wake of criticism over his record on deportations By Lesley Clark... Continue »
Rep. Lofgren Joins Legal Experts and Advocates to Talk House Floor Action & Potential for Administrative Relief from the Obama Administration After more than a year of head fakes and false starts on immigration reform that would combine smart enforcement, legal immigration reforms and legal status with a path... Continue »
Joe Biden hosted Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny today for an annual St. Patrick’s Day breakfast, and both leaders took the opportunity to call upon Congress to pass immigration reform. Irish-Americans have long had a stake in the immigration reform debate, with the US Council on Irish Immigration hosting another lobby... Continue »