In response to news that the Department of Justice has filed a rehearing petition in U.S v. Texas case challenging President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, the following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: The Department of Justice made the right call today by...
Yesterday, Democratic Senate candidate and former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland sat down with Ohio immigrant families and members of the Lorain community as part of the ongoing “DAPA Dinners” campaign, which joins elected officials with families to discuss how deferred action impacts immigrants and their communities. Among the invitees to...
Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland broke bread with community leaders and Ohio immigrant families as part of the nationwide DAPA Dinners campaign today in Lorain. Lorain City Council Member Angel Arroyo; Lorain Police Chief Cel Rivera; Victor Leandry, Executive Director of El Centro de Servicios Sociales; and Father Bill Thaden of Sacred Heart Church also attended the dinner with Lorain Ohio Immigrant Rights Association...
When most people think of who will be affected by the United States v. Texas decision on DAPA and DACA+, they think of the Latino community. However, one in ten DAPA and DACA+ eligible immigrants is Asian American, a community that is often viewed as not being invested in...
Last week’s Supreme Court’s deadlock on U.S. v Texas was a tremendous blow to millions of immigrant families who are long overdue for relief. The 2012 DACA program for Dreamers transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people. The 2014 expansion of DACA, and new policy for parents...
Last week’s 4-4 tie in the US v. Texas immigration case has generated disappointment and outrage from immigrant families and their allies from across the country. A growing chorus of legal minds have added their voice to the criticism, noting in particular the weakness of Texas’ original case, the...
Last Friday, Rep. Gerry Connolly sat down with Virginia immigrants as part of the ongoing “DAPA Dinners” campaign, which joins elected officials with families to discuss how deferred action impacts immigrants and their communities. The dinner — hosted by the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) — was the first since the...

While Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt apparently didn’t have a couple minutes to spare for the immigrant families he’s putting at risk of deportation, he did have time for lights, cameras and press. It all started when immigrant families and PLAN advocates tried to meet with Laxalt in the...
After yesterday’s heartbreaking deadlock in US v. Texas, this much is clear: immigrants and their allies are feeling the sting of the setback, but we are determined to dust ourselves off, build our power and make sure it is felt this November and beyond. As evidenced by accounts from across the...
“I am stunned and disappointed” In a new piece at Slate, former Solicitor General Walter Dellinger pens a stinging criticism of the Supreme Court for its 4-4 vote on U.S. v Texas, calling it a ” signal failure of democracy.” He recommends the Department of Justice to take the unusual step of filing a...