An article in the outlet American Independent, “Trump has built just 1 mile of new border wall since taking office,” lifts up a key detail from a recent CBP/US Army Corps of Engineers joint fact sheet on the status and statistics surrounding border wall construction – namely, that “99.2%...
Never mind what the election results say. Dr. Matt Barreto, political scientist and co-founder of Latino Decisions, is out with an op-ed in today’s New York Times that highlights the massive turnout of Latino voters in 2018, and the massive rejection of Trump’s xenophobia by the majority of voters,...
David Drucker of the Washington Examiner writes a new piece with the headline neither Donald Trump or Stephen Miller wants to see and White House enablers are afraid to repeat. The headline: “Leading GOP pollster: Trump’s focus on immigration sunk House majority.” Drucker quotes findings from leading Republican operative...

Our take: xenophobia backfired Republican pollster David Winston writes an important midterm post-mortem in Roll Call. Entitled “2018 Midterms: A Missed Opportunity for Republicans,” Winston argues that the GOP’s fatal mistake was to focus on immigration and the caravan — an issue that drove voters in the middle away...
Leading political observer Ron Brownstein’s latest CNN column explores how “Trump’s alienation of younger voters is a generational gamble for GOP.” Brownstein’s assessment echoes the recent Washington Post “Monkey Cage” analysis by University of Maryland associate professor Stella Rouse, who wrote how Republicans’ hard-line stance on immigration may alienate...
“While Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric might have energized Republicans in red states, polling shows it alienated everyone else” Let’s not forget. In the 2018 midterms Trump and his party closed with an ugly and unprecedented deluge of racism and xenophobia: hysteria about a caravan of bedraggled refugees a thousand miles...
Engaging Hispanic Voters is an Authentic, Sustained, Hands-On Effort… When Will Dems Learn? An in-depth story in Politico Magazine by Michael Grunwald and Marc Caputo captures the unique challenges in Florida facing the Democratic Party and its failure to sufficiently engage with the state’s diverse Hispanic electorate. Coming on...
McCarthy Providing More of the Same Ryan Rubbish Xenophobia backfired politically this year. In response to President Trump’s ugly, cynical and racist closing argument, Democrats won the popular vote by the largest midterm margin in history, flipped 40 House seats, limited losses on a brutal Senate map, flipped six...