America’s Voice Glaring Need for Robust Structures of Accountability and Hiring at CBP Editorial boards and experts: slashing of refugee admissions “gives the world one more reason to lose faith in America” English Cronkite News Protesters walk out of hearing on rules for holding immigrant youth By Vandana Ravikumar... Continue »
America’s Voice As Trump Administration Slashes Refugee Admissions, Advocates Blast Move as Contrary to American Values and National Security English Associated Press US Slashes Number of Refugees to 30,000 for Next Year September 17, 2018 Associated Press US Again Slashing Number of Refugees It Will Accept September 17, 2018... Continue »
Despite the best efforts of President Trump, Stephen Miller and Jeff Sessions, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program still lives. A series of legal rulings allow renewals to continue, including the recent surprising ruling from the notorious anti-immigrant Judge Andrew Hanen. A strong editorial from Sunday’s Houston... Continue »
Parents Who Raise “Red Flags” Deemed Ineligible for Reunification Without Process That Comports With Basic Child Welfare Principles As hundreds of children continue to suffer in federal government facilities, the Trump administration continues to deem some parents “ineligible” to be reunited with their children based on criteria that neither... Continue »
Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State and Republican gubernatorial candidate, is facing no fewer than three separate lawsuits in the coming weeks, even though his previous court appearances have been disastrous. (He has been fined tens of thousands of dollars, been found in contempt of court, and ordered to... Continue »
Dara Lind of Vox Explains Last Friday, federal Judge Andrew Hanen issued his long-awaiting ruling in the latest legal challenge to DACA brought by Texas and a handful of other red states. In a surprise,  Judge Hanen refused to issue an injunction in the case, meaning that DACA renewals... Continue »
“I was routinely mocked in a Spanish accent.” On “several occasions, racial slurs were used against me or I was made fun of for being Hispanic,” said Joe Gomez this week of his tenure being the only Latino employee at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).   The... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Rep. Will Hurd Votes With Donald Trump 95% of the Time ICYMI from NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson: “Frustration with Racism is Coming to the Ballot Box” TPS Caravan “Journey for Justice” Takes Nationwide Tour to San Francisco ICYMI: WaPo Editorial: “ICE is sending Mauritanians back... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Enthusiasm, Voter Registration in Texas Could Mean Change This Fall We Fear Seyni Was Deported ICYMI: Jonathan Blitzer: “Will Anyone in the Trump Administration Ever Be Held Accountable for the Zero-Tolerance Policy?” Deportations to Mauritania: What You Need to Know ICYMI: Nevada Independent, “Caravan of TPS beneficiaries... Continue »
Nearly one year ago, the Trump administration announced the end of the popular and successful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. With the Republican Congress unable and unwilling to resolve the future of Dreamers through legislation, it has been left to the courts to intervene. To date, three... Continue »