Judging by past debates and recent rhetoric on the campaign trail, tonight's Republican presidential debate in Nevada is likely to feature continued discussion of immigration. As you cover tonight's debate – perhaps even as you make your way into the debate venue – you will likely hear a... Continue »
A new poll shows that Latino voters don't know who the Republican 2012 presidential candidates are, but they don't like what they're hearing. This weekend, former Godfather Pizza CEO and newest GOP "front-runner" Herman Cain called for an electrified border fence capable of killing people, coupled with "real... Continue »
A new poll shows that Latino voters don't know who the Republican 2012 presidential candidates are, but they don't like their immigration positions. Rhetoric like Herman Cain's, who this weekend called for an electrified fence and "real guns and real bullets" to deter border-crossers, is unlikely to improve... Continue »
The latest Republican presidential debate, being held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, will undoubtedly feature endless paeans from the candidates to our nation's 40th President. Yet on the issue of immigration, the Republican 2012 field has a lot to learn from the Gipper. Continue »
Latino voters delivered in 2010. In 2010, Latinos kept the Senate in Democratic hands and were a key factor in Democratic gubernatorial wins in California, Colorado, and Illinois, as well as a number of House races. In fact, were it not for the "Latino firewall" in the... Continue »


Updated on January 17, 2012 | Download PDF here.

George H. W. Bush during a 1980 presidential debate, “We’re doing two things: we’re creating a whole society of... Continue »

This morning we posted Rachel Maddow's takedown of regular MSNBC commentator Pat Buchanan over his outrageous comments about race and Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Media Matters has a roundup of Pat's sordid history on the topic of race. Turns out there is no shortage of outrage in the blogosphere right... Continue »
Another positive ruling yesterday, from the Associated Press, overturning some of the worst of the worst of the failed Bush-era immigration enforcement policy: "HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) � Federal agents violated the constitutional rights of four illegal immigrants in raids that critics say were retaliation for a New Haven program... Continue »
King’s perspective on the Postville raid, and his likening immigrants to cattle, are just two examples of a Congressional leader out of step with mainstream America and in step with the most disturbing arm of the extreme anti-immigrant movement. The Congressman’s record is the focus of... Continue »
Progress Illinois' Josh Kalven reports on the last stage of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' Family Unity Tour in a post called, "We Have More Work To Do." The timing of the grand Tour finale in Chicago was not without symbolism. Just one week after May Day, a day before... Continue »