h/t the Imagine 2050 blog at Center for New Community: Stephen Steinlight, the Senior Policy Analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, along with his CIS cohorts have said some pretty outrageous things before.  But this time he may really have gone too far.  Speaking at the Highlands Tea Party in... Continue »
Updated November 2012 | Click here to download PDF Outcome of Key Contests Will Influence Path Forward on Immigration Reform Next Year In fifteen House races America’s Voice identified as Races to Watch for Supporters of Immigration Reform in the election, supporters and champions of immigrant rights won ten and... Continue »
Next week, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on Arizona’s arch-anti-immigrant law, SB 1070—an all-important, game-changing clash between the federal supremacy clause, the need for federal immigration reform, and the belief that states can and should pursue efforts to make undocumented immigrants self-deport. Activists, officials, lawyers, and... Continue »
Next week, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on Arizona’s arch-anti-immigrant law, SB 1070—an all-important, game-changing clash between the federal supremacy clause, the need for federal immigration reform, and the belief that states can and should pursue efforts to make undocumented immigrants self-deport. Activists, officials, lawyers, and... Continue »
On our crazy radar this week is Bryan Fischer, Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association, talk show host of American Family Radio, blogger of the AFA-run Rightly Concerned, and general mouthpiece for just about every hate cause imaginable. Continue »
The Department of Homeland Security hasn't received a lot of praise recently, and the lack of it has finally gotten to them. That's why they've announced an initiative aimed at fighting the negative views that communities have developed over time. Continue »