Before committing the deadliest antisemitic attack in the nation’s history, the domestic terrorist who carried out the attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh claimed his targets were those who “bring invaders.” A little less than a year later, another domestic terrorist murdered 23 people in an... Continue »
The Republican House Judiciary Committee invited Jessica Vaughn to Congress in spite of her connections to white nationalism and anti-Semitism   Continuing their dangerous trend, House Republicans have once again invited another witness to testify in a border related hearing who is currently employed by a hate group. Jessica... Continue »
Republicans invited Center for Immigration Studies Fellow, Andrew Arthur, and Border Patrol union president, Brandon Judd to testify at an Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability Subcommittee hearing  House Republicans are continuing a disturbing pattern of using their slim majority to provide a validating platform to individuals associated with hate groups... Continue »
Washington, DC – Republicans have spent the early days of the new Congress relentlessly focused on anti-immigrant themes, related political attacks and platforming dangerous white nationalist conspiracies – a trend set to continue in coming days.  On Thursday, Kevin McCarthy will lead a GOP delegation to the border for... Continue »
On February 15, the President of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd, is scheduled to testify before a combined field hearing of the Oversight And Investigations Subcommittee and Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in Weslaco Texas. Judd will be the star witness at this... Continue »
Looking to provide the fuel for the anti-immigrant judicial pipeline, the Republican Attorney General candidates in Texas, Arizona, and Kansas could shape national immigration policy for the worse.    Ken Paxton (R-TX), Kris Kobach (R-KS), and Abe Hamadeh (R-AZ) are putting nativism at the forefront of their campaigns, but... Continue »
Dozens of elected members of congress participated in a radio event organized by a hate group to amplify dangerous disinformation and white nationalist lies Over two days in late September, just weeks from the midterm elections, dozens of elected Republican officials joined right-wing talk shows from across the nation... Continue »
The leading forces of the Republican Party have embraced a set of racist conspiracy theories based on white nationalism as a central organizing principle for the midterm elections. The America’s Voice ad tracking project has identified hundreds of pieces of political messaging that employ these lies around ‘white replacement’... Continue »
Washington, DC – In a new political analysis titled “Border Patrol Union President Attends Hate-Group Conference and Embraces the Same Racist Fictions as Several Domestic Terrorists,” America’s Voice Political Director Zachary Mueller reports on the details and implications of National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd’s attendance at a... Continue »
Last weekend, National Border Patrol Council President, Brandon Judd spoke at a conference in Las Vegas put together by the hate-group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Unfortunately, this is only the latest example of Judd’s concerning behavior. Over the last year Judd has repeatedly promoted the racist (and... Continue »