Even an anti-immigrant hate group seems wary about being publicly associated with dangerous “invasion” and great replacement conspiracy theories cited as an inspiration in multiple deadly terrorist attacks, as The Hill’s Rafael Bernal has highlighted. So what’s Rep. Monica De La Cruz’s excuse for remaining silent when her colleagues... Continue »
Even an anti-immigrant hate group seems wary about being publicly associated with dangerous “invasion” and great replacement conspiracy theories cited as an inspiration in multiple deadly terrorist attacks, as The Hill’s Rafael Bernal has highlighted. So what’s Rep. David Valadao’s excuse for remaining silent when his colleagues in the... Continue »
Even an anti-immigrant hate group seems wary about being publicly associated with dangerous “invasion” and great replacement conspiracy theories cited as an inspiration in multiple deadly terrorist attacks, as The Hill’s Rafael Bernal has highlighted. So what’s Rep. Mike Garcia’s excuse for remaining silent when his colleagues in the... Continue »
Even an anti-immigrant hate group seems wary about being publicly associated with dangerous “invasion” and great replacement conspiracy theories cited as an inspiration in multiple deadly terrorist attacks, as The Hill’s Rafael Bernal has highlighted. So what’s Rep. John Duarte’s excuse for remaining silent when his colleagues in the... Continue »
Even an anti-immigrant hate group seems wary about being publicly associated with dangerous “invasion” and great replacement conspiracy theories cited as an inspiration in multiple deadly terrorist attacks, as The Hill’s Rafael Bernal has highlighted. So what’s Rep. Juan Ciscomani’s excuse for remaining silent when his colleagues in the... Continue »
Washington, DC — While Republican Party elected officials and candidates are increasingly embracing and mainstreaming the use of dangerous “invasion” and “replacement” immigration conspiracies, even long established anti-immigrant organizations and leaders are trying to do damage control and spin away their past and ongoing usage of such rhetoric, as... Continue »
Fringe sheriffs who believe they’re totally unaccountable to any state or federal authority hosted a right-wing conference in Las Vegas last week, where they made explicit calls for vigilante gangs “to patrol polling stations and stop the ‘expected flood’ of ‘illegal’ immigrant voters,” WIRED reports. Of course, this is a... Continue »
Most of the Republican Members of the House Natural Resources Committee have amplified white nationalist “invasion” and “replacement” conspiracy theories over the last few years. Their rhetoric is inexorably tied to the “Great Replacement Theory” and multiple domestic terrorist attacks that have claimed the lives of dozens of Americans... Continue »
tom homan
Written by Gladis Garcia and Javier Jimenez Originally published March 30, 2018; last updated March 22, 2024 Tom Homan was the former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the federal immigration agency responsible for arresting and deporting undocumented immigrants, from 2017 to 2018. Since leaving the... Continue »
Dreamers: Deported. Farm Workers: Deported. Immigrant Families Here For 25 years: Deported. Economy: Ruined. For Those Who Care, Jim Jordan, Donald Trump Are Out To Ruin Your Re-election Earlier on Tuesday, the United States House of Representatives took another vote to elect a Speaker, The GOP’s choice was Rep.... Continue »