Note: This is a new weekly feature by Nezua, TMC MediaWire Blogger. The dialogue on immigration has, historically, been contentious and cyclical. There are times when hysteria peaks, and rational thought struggles to enter the national dialogue. There are also moments of truth. This week, independent media debunked many... Continue »
Well, yesterday was a new day. Yesterday's news that organized labor has joined forces to push for comprehensive reform highlights the important link between comprehensive immigration reform, the economy, and worker protection. As the New York Times argued so succinctly yesterday: Even in a bad economy - especially in... Continue »
Our immigration system is broken, and if you think that because you are a citizen this doesn't affect you, then you should read today's Associated Press piece. In it, Suzanne Gamboa describes how the rights of citizens and non-citizens alike are being violated: "The American judicial system... Continue »
Today the Immigration Policy Center brought together key economic experts to dispel the most stubborn myths surrounding immigrants and the economy. Immigration Impact's Andrea Nill explains why real immigration reform would benefit all Americans: "Moving forward with comprehensive immigration reform will ensure that all workers are here legally, will... Continue »
Just when you thought the immigrant blame game couldn't get more absurd, this, from Media Matters: "Limbaugh: Somali pirates have "entitlement mentality. I could have sworn they were originally Americans"; speculates 'maybe they were illegal immigrants.'" Sounds like Rush needs to deal with his own entitlement issues before... Continue »
Ever since yesterday's front page New York Time article, the debate has been raging in the blogosphere and network news over whether or not the signs are pointing to immigration reform moving forward this year. Frank Sharry: "Our polling suggests that swing voters who want a new path... Continue »
President Obama is rising to the occasion and demonstrating leadership on this issue that vexes the American public. It will be up to Congress to follow his lead and make it happen. We stand ready to work with all of our elected leaders to enact this long overdue reform... Continue »
"End the raids." That's the message from Cardinal George, head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in USA Today. Folks, it just doesn't get any simpler than that. You've probably heard the uproar - led by Lou Dobbs- over Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's recent statements at... Continue »
The Washington Post's George Will has a great column on Police Chief Jack Harris, who argues that Washington's failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform directly affects his ability to fight crime in Phoenix. 'For now, the U.S. "has turned immigration policy over to Mexican thugs." So, we have reached... Continue »
Lawrence Downes writes about a factory worker who rolled up his sleeves and wrote a traditional Mexican "corrido" about injustice: "Mr. Linares's subject, the Maricopa County sheriff, is infamous for abusing prisoners, strutting on TV and arresting Latinos on flimsy pretexts. To his victims he is a figure of... Continue »