Community leaders and activists say federal immigration agents are stalking Hispanic immigrants on the city's southwest side as they go to church and take their children to school. About 120 people stood in the pouring rain Wednesday outside the Hope of Detroit Academy on North Campbell near Michigan to... Continue »
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is "taking it to the streets." Or at least that's the motto behind a new pilot program aimed at combatting the negative image that some community groups have about the department. Continue »
A national version of the Utah Compact is largely written, and key officials are aiming for a signing ceremony this summer in Washington, D.C., to propel discussions on immigration reform solutions. Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff said Tuesday the so-called "America's Compact" aligns closely with the Utah Compact. Continue »
Urging minority groups to unite and assert their influence on policy makers in Massachusetts and across the country, the head of a prominent interfaith group quoted Scripture and drew cheers at a State House rally yesterday. Continue »
Thanks to the shameful failure of Congress to pass the DREAM Act last year, an estimated 60,000 students in U.S. high schools and colleges lost their chance to come out of the shadows and regularize their immigration status. Continue »
Four Republican senators are pushing ahead with plans to limit automatic citizenship for children born in the USA to illegal immigrants. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., introduced legislation today to end what he calls "birth tourism." Continue »
Seven students were arrested Tuesday after staging a sit-in at an Atlanta intersection, blocking traffic in a symbolic effort to raise awareness about a controversial immigration issue. Georgina Perez, Viridiana Martinez, Jose Rico, Dayanna Rebolledo, Andrea Rosales, David Ramirez and Maria Marroquin were arrested near Georgia State University. Continue »
Although the Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill modeled after Arizona's controversial legislation that targets illegal immigration, legislators on both sides expect the proposal to end up in court. The House passed the bill 73-28 after about six hours of debate. Republicans applauded after its passage. Continue »
House lawmakers advanced a bill Tuesday to grant in-state tuition rates at Maryland colleges to illegal immigrants if they complete two years at a community college and can show their parents paid state taxes for the three years before they enrolled. Continue »
A group of 270 farmers and businessmen from Georgia's agricultural and landscaping industries delivered a letter to state lawmakers yesterday asking them to reconsider the economic consequences of a proposed immigration bill. Continue »