Sniping between the House and Senate over how to approach illegal immigration legislation took center stage at the Capitol again Monday. With passage of a bill aimed at repealing in-state tuition for undocumented college students, the House has now approved four measures on the controversial subject. Continue »
When D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier heard about a new federal immigration enforcement program last year, she said it could have prevented eight killings in the city in the previous two years. Continue »
The Center for American Progress will be hosting a panel on the impact of Spanish-language media this coming Monday, February 28, from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. We'll be streaming the event live. Continue »
The federal immigration agency has finally linked all California police agencies to reveal immigrants -- legal or not -- arrested for violating laws and subject to deportation. In essence, local police, willingly or not, have become an arm of the federal immigration agency. Continue »
Justice was finally delivered in the case of a Shenandoah, Pennsylvania hate crime yesterday, when two men were sentenced to nine years in prison for beating an undocumented immigrant to death in 2008. Continue »
This week, Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock announced his plans to run against Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) for the Republican nomination in the 2012 Senate race. Despite his great "respect" for Senator Lugar, Mourdock cites a litany of "reasons" he has chosen to challenge the long-time senator. ... Continue »
A pilot program carried by a Senate Democrat that would allow undocumented immigrants to register, live and work in Utah squeaked through a committee hearing Wednesday, now setting it up for a difficult fight on the Senate floor. Continue »
Illegal immigrants would be barred from driving in the state, enrolling in school or receiving most public benefits. Their children would receive special birth certificates that would make clear that the state does not consider them Arizona citizens. Continue »
It's ironic that in a country like Mexico, where it's illegal to buy firearms, that recently a United States ICE agent met his death at the end of a gun barrel that was most probably bought in the United States. Continue »
This past Wednesday, an Arizona state House panel approved legislation that would prevent anyone who is in this country illegally from collecting punitive damages — even after winning a lawsuit. Continue »