Ron Brownstein captures the results of a new National Journal poll on immigration quite succinctly: “On immigration, most Americans favor the velvet glove—and the iron fist.” For years, anti-immigration groups have exploited Americans’ frustration with the broken immigration system to advance their enforcement-only agenda.  Meanwhile, polls have consistently shown... Continue »
RNC Hispanic Outreach Director Inclán Criticizes Obama’s Record Deportations, While Romney Pledges More RNC Hispanic Outreach Director Bettina Inclán created a media firestorm yesterday when she said that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is “still deciding what his position on immigration is.”  As we wrote yesterday, Inclán’s colleagues... Continue »
Yesterday, four members of the “Southern 32” appeared in New Orleans immigration court, where a judge granted them temporary relief from deportation while ICE considers their requests for prosecutorial discretion.  The judge refused to move forward with their deportation cases even though the ICE lawyer arrived in court determined... Continue »
Huffington Post Exposes Backers of GOP Bill that Empowers Abusers House Republicans have hijacked this year’s reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) for political purposes.  Instead of protecting all victims of domestic violence, the GOP bill approved by the Judiciary Committee yesterday empowers abusers and harms victims. ... Continue »