Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign emboldened racists and bigots to commit hateful acts against Latinos, immigrants, Muslim-Americans, and other already-marginalized groups. Now his Presidential victory has given them permission to double-down. In the hours since President-elect Trump’s victory, we’ve seen a flood of reports of Trump-inspired hate acts by his supporters. We’ve tracked these... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Wall Street Journal: Latino Turnout Up From 2012 Nationwide, But Not Enough to Stop Donald Trump By Miriam Jordan Las Vegas Now (Nevada): The immigration battle heats up with Donald Trump elected President By Mauricio Marin News Las Vegas 3 (Nevada):... Continue »
Last night, Donald Trump won the Presidency. This is a painful moment in our history, and our communities, in particular, are in mourning. Donald Trump targeted immigrants and Latinos from the start of his Presidential campaign, and now many in our communities are left wondering what will happen to... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Reuters: U.S. Latino voters flex, but fail to topple Trump By Luciana Lopez Boston Globe:Latino surge for Hillary Clinton fails to materialize, according to exit polls By Victoria McGrane NBC: Trump Win Leaves Questions About Latino, African American Vote By Stephen... Continue »
2016 Election Coverage from America's Voice
We’re finally here — Election Day 2016. As early voting numbers have indicated, Latino and immigrant voters will play key roles in battleground states that will determine who occupies the White House come January. “Donald Trump opened his White House bid by stoking fears of Mexicans flooding the border,” NBC’s... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: This Time, There Really Is a Hispanic Voter Surge By Nate Cohn New York Times: A new wave. By Jonathan Martin and Nate Cohn Politico: Ana Navarro says she voted for Clinton By Madeline Conway The Hill: Kaine:... Continue »
A day after Latinos and immigrants lined up for hours on the last night of early voting in Nevada, the state’s GOP chairman and Donald Trump supporter claimed that “in Clark County, they kept a poll open till 10 o’clock at night so a certain group could vote.” “A certain... Continue »
Tomorrow is Election Day, and numbers from early voting in battleground states like Nevada and Florida are indicating one thing: It looks like Donald Trump may have gotten his big, beautiful wall after all. New from Lalo Alcaraz: Continue »
During a fiery speech in support of Hillary Clinton last week, Alicia Machado declared that the 2016 race is “our election. This is our election, Latinos!” “It’s really clear that he does not respect women. He just judges us on our looks,” Machado said during the Florida rally, her... Continue »
Though many of them cannot vote in this Presidential election, immigrants are making their voices heard in what is shaping out to be a historic election for Latinos. As we noted earlier today, a leading story emerging from early voting days has been that of Latino voters owning their power... Continue »