With the government shutdown over and fiscal impasse resolved for now, the congressional calendar again is primed for addressing immigration reform.  Here are five reasons why Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and House Republicans should pursue immigration reform this year: 1.     The Hastert Rule is Officially Dead:  The vote... Continue »
“The Window of Opportunity is Open Now” President Obama just outlined three areas where Democrats and Republicans should come together to act in the coming weeks: 1) a balanced approach to the budget; 2) fixing our broken immigration system; and 3) passing a Farm bill.  In response, Frank Sharry,... Continue »
According to Huffington Post, Tea Partier Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) is so upset about losing the government funding and debt limit debate that that he’s vowing to block the next priority on the agenda: common sense immigration reform.  Why?  Because President Obama is the clear winner of the fiscal... Continue »
Hastert Rule Likely to Be Discarded Once Again; President Obama Stresses that Immigration Reform is Up Next; House GOP Out of Excuses  The likely resolution to the current fiscal and debt ceiling impasse has led to the question: what’s next for Congress?  President Obama said yesterday he wants Congress... Continue »
A range of recent polling from NBC/Wall Street Journal, Washington Post/ABC News, and Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that the Republican brand image continues to plummet, sinking among nearly all demographic groups of voters including Latinos (75% of Latinos now disapprove of the Republican Party’s handling of budget talks... Continue »
Paul Ryan, congresista republicano de Wisconsin, puede dar a su partido dos o tres lecciones de qué cosas evitar para no ahuyentar a los votantes latinos. Después de todo, Ryan fue parte de la mancuerna republicana en 2012 con un candidato presidencial, Mitt Romney, cuya plataforma migratoria se centró... Continue »