It’s clear that Donald Trump is espousing an overtly racist vision for America. He says a U.S.-born judge of Mexican ancestry cannot sit in judgment of Trump because, well, he’s of Mexican ancestry. He doubts a Muslim judge could be fair. He started his rise in the GOP as... Continue »
It’s clear that Donald Trump is espousing an overtly racist vision of America. He says a U.S.-born judge of Mexican ancestry cannot sit in judgment of Trump because, well, he’s of Mexican ancestry. He doubts a Muslim judge could be fair. He started his rise in the GOP as a “birther” —... Continue »
In a new piece up on Medium, David Leopold, an immigration attorney and former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, strongly questions the silence of Donald Trump’s lawyers in reaction to his latest racist remarks regarding Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the well-revered U.S. District Judge who presides over the Trump University fraud case.... Continue »
It’s clear that Donald Trump is espousing an overtly racist vision of America. He says a U.S.-born judge of Mexican ancestry cannot sit in judgment of Trump because, well, he’s of Mexican ancestry. He doubts a Muslim judge could be fair. He started his rise in the GOP as a “birther” —... Continue »
Washington, DC – Ya nadie puede tratar de justificar lo que siempre ha sido obvio: Donald Trump, el nominado republicano para presidente, es un racista. Aun antes de que Trump iniciara su campaña, jugueteaba con el llamado movimiento que clama por los “certificados de nacimiento”, el cual era un... Continue »
Washington, DC – No longer can anyone try to explain away what has long been obvious: Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for President, is a racist. Even before Trump began his campaign, he was cavorting with the so-called “birther” movement, which was a blatantly racist attack on President Obama.... Continue »
Se ha completado la fusión: Trump y el GOP son una y la misma cosa En uno más de sus indignantes e insostenibles ataques, Donald Trump dijo ayer que Gonzalo Curiel, un honorable juez federal, no es apto para atender el caso Cohen v. Trump, la demanda civil por fraude contra la Universidad Trump,... Continue »
Merger Now Complete: Trump and GOP One and the Same In yet another outrageous and indefensible attack, Donald Trump said yesterday that Judge Curiel, a well-respected federal judge, is unfit to hear Cohen v. Trump, the civil fraud lawsuit against Trump University, simply because of his ethnicity.  This latest racist broadside from Trump... Continue »
An editorial in yesterday’s New York Times, “Donald Trump and the Judge,” echoes a point we have been trying to make – that we cannot allow Trump’s nativism and lies to go unchallenged or become normalized. Reacting to Trump’s race-baiting attack on the judge overseeing the Trump University class action lawsuit, the Times editorial states that,... Continue »
Today, the Department of Justice responded to an orderissued earlier this month by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in the immigration case under consideration at the U.S. Supreme Court. In a new Medium piece, David Leopold, an immigration attorney and former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, analyzes the Administration’s response to Judge... Continue »