Passage of H.R. 2 Hurts their Economy, Hurts their Community, Threatens their Constituents House Republicans are teeing up a vote on H.R. 2, an anti-immigrant and anti-asylum bill filled to the brim with Trump-era proposals, including a useless and expensive border wall. In a clear sign of how extreme... Continue »
Title 42 is a policy implemented by the Trump Administration in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The policy allows Border Patrol to prevent migrants and unaccompanied minors fleeing violence and persecution from seeking asylum in the U.S.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared... Continue »
Washington, DC – With migration and border policies back prominently in the news ahead of next week’s overdue lifting of Title 42, a series of analyses and new resources highlight how we can manage migration in a humane, orderly and ultimately beneficial fashion while underscoring the importance continuing to... Continue »
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings and David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week: While a human drama continues to play out at the border —with political ramifications— it’s impossible... Continue »
May 2023 With immigration and border policies prominent in the news, the role of Republicans in forging and maintaining our broken system is essential to understand: On 10-year anniversary of immigration reform bill Republicans killed, we are still paying a price for GOP obstruction and subsequent blocking of the... Continue »
America’s Voice   Battleground Republicans Continue to Empower the Extreme Rhetoric and Anti-Immigrant Legislation Pushed by Their Colleagues New Resources and Reminders: Why Fixing Immigration is Bigger than the Border Today’s immigration drama stems from the same-old politics Republicans Are Against Solutions and Policies that Alleviate Border Pressures; In... Continue »
Washington, DC – Yesterday, the Florida state legislature moved forward ugly anti-immigrant legislation that seems more designed to burnish Ron DeSantis’ anti-immigrant bona fides ahead of a potential primary fight than to advance the needs or interests of Florida’s economic and community success. As the Orlando Sentinel’s editorial board... Continue »
Washington, DC – Yesterday, in anticipation of the lifting of Title 42, the Biden administration announced plans to surge 1,500 troops to the southern border as well as a new joint agreement with Mexico to “for the first time … allow U.S. authorities to deport non-Mexican migrants who entered... Continue »
Immigrant workers, students, union members and allies in states including Washington, New York and Wisconsin rallied on Monday to advocate for greater workplace protections, union rights, and relief for immigrant communities. May Day, also known as Workers’ Day, celebrates the struggles and victories of laborers, many of whom are... Continue »
Mientras la frontera vuelve a ser escenario de un drama humano con ramificaciones políticas, resulta imposible no reconocer que en esta situación nadie está libre de culpas. Los republicanos por haberse convertido en el principal obstáculo para una solución legislativa que reforme todos los componentes de un sistema migratorio... Continue »