America’s Voice · La Semana en Inmigración – 4.21.23 ►El senador demócrata por Nueva Jersey, Bob Menéndez, presentó esta semana un amplio plan migratorio que, en gran medida, no requiere de la intervención del Congreso y que consiste en diversas medidas propuestas, que van desde reprogramar el Estatus de Protección Temporal... Continuar »
America’s Voice   The First 100 Days of the House GOP: Extreme Politics, Extreme Hearings, Extremely Disappointing to Americans Sen. Bob Menendez and Immigration Experts and Advocates Discuss Immigration Policy, Politics, and Polling Combating the GOP’s Nativist Narrative – Weekly Summary La Semana en Inmigración: Algo se mueve en... Continuar »
Dissenters in GOP Understand Damage to Electoral Prospects and Overall US Economy Washington, DC – Republicans are in disarray over their dual-track, anti-immigrant ugliness: marking up a cruel and harmful anti-immigrant legislation and pursuing a sham effort to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Just check out a few headlines... Continuar »
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings and David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week:  With so much negative news on the immigration front in the previous months, President Joe Biden’s... Continuar »
America’s Voice   GOP in Disarray as They Spiral Further into an Ugly, Anti-immigrant Political Cesspool In the absence of reform, more pro-immigrant measures are urgently needed English New York Times G.O.P. Immigration Agenda Faces Stiff Odds in Divided House By Karoun Demirjian and Luke Broadwater April 19, 2023... Continuar »
Republicans in Congress do have an immigration plan — but it’s not designed to address the issues of providing a safe process at the border or our immigrant neighbors. No, it’s a political agenda. And, their plan is to nationalize the anti-immigrant hostilities being leveled at local communities by... Continuar »
Washington, DC – It’s a busy week on immigration policy and politics, as Republicans mark up a GOP-only anti-immigration bill that amounts to a turbocharged version of the Donald Trump and Stephen Miller agenda – and is already generating intra-GOP dissent – while re-upping their sham impeachment talk against... Continuar »
Entre tanta noticia negativa en el frente migratorio durante los meses anteriores, fue como un bálsamo que el presidente Joe Biden anunciara la semana pasada la ampliación de la Ley de Seguro Médico Asequible (ACA, por su sigla en inglés) y Medicaid para incluir a los Dreamers. Las reacciones... Continuar »
America’s Voice   Show-Me-Your-Papers, Border Vigilantes, and Child Detention: The GOP’s Extreme Anti-Immigrant Agenda GOP Embraces Extreme Politics on Immigration Instead of Serious Solutions Backed by the American People A falta de reforma, urgen más medidas pro inmigrantes English NBC News DACA recipients await Biden rule that would grant... Continuar »
Washington, DC – A new policy blueprint released today by longtime immigration champion Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is a major step forward toward an affirmative policy agenda that the Biden administration, outside experts, and the American public can rally around. Titled, “Securing Our Borders By Managing Migration And Refugees... Continuar »