Terminating TPS for Yemen Would Send People Directly to the ‘World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis’ On June 20, Church World Service (CWS) and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) delivered a letter signed by more than 650 faith leaders to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), calling on the... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice David Leopold: Stephen Miller is a White Nationalist Is Stephen Miller a White Nationalist? Sonia Nazario: “Someone, please tell the president: There are humane, effective alternatives to his brutal policies. And they cost less, too.” Federal Judge to CIS’ Steven Camarota: You Are Not a Credible Expert... Continue »
Late Friday U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen filed a memorandum in NAACP v. Trump, one of the several court challenges to President Trump’s September 4, 2017 cancellation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, purportedly “clarifying the Department’s position” on its rescission of DACA.  The memorandum is in... Continue »
As directed by the President’s executive order issued on Wednesday, the Trump Justice Department has filed a request on Thursday to amend a federal court order – the “Flores Agreement” – to allow the administration to detain children for indefinite periods of time. Currently, such indefinite detention is in... Continue »
Published June 22, 2018; updated August 15, 2018 Kris Kobach is Kansas’ current Secretary of State and Republican candidate for Kansas Governor, and an anti-immigrant extremist who has  served as the xenophobic right’s lawyer for more than a decade. He is known for his connections to some of the... Continue »
In the midst of the Trump administration’s inhumane, immigration insanity, policy and legal experts gathered to discuss the whirlwind of this week’s immigration developments and their implications. This past week, Trump signed an executive order on family separation that will indefinitely jail families all while Congress continues to scramble... Continue »
Today, the Archbishop of Miami, along with politicians and Miami community leaders, came together as part of a summit discussing the impact of the Trump administration rescinding Temporary Protected Status (TPS) from Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti and El Salvador and how Congress must step in to find a permanent solution... Continue »
A Is For America podcast
The latest episode of our podcast, “A is for America”, features an interview with Ur Jaddou, the director of DHS Watch, a project of America’s Voice that focuses on holding the Trump Administration accountable for its anti-immigrant practices. We spoke about Trump’s practice of separating children from their families,... Continue »
Gallup poll: record-high 75% think immigration is a good thing, up from last year Pew poll: Democrats have 14% advantage over Republicans on issue, up from 6% last fall As President Trump speaks of immigrants as “infesting” our country, killing Americans and hailing from “shithole countries,” everyday Americans have... Continue »
And Trump & His Administration Don’t Seem to Care The Trump administration has ripped more than 2,300 children from their parents as a result of its “zero tolerance” policy. While we await if and how the President’s change of direction on family separation plays out at the border, the... Continue »