Frank Sharry: “Los líderes republicanos han manejado mal el tema migratorio de  manera increíble. Están en contra del 69% del país y del 57% de sus propios votantes”  Washington, DC – Una gran mayoría del pueblo estadounidense está lista para una reforma migratoria que incluya una vía al estatus... Continuar »
Frank Sharry: “Republican leaders have mishandled immigration in spectacular fashion. They are at odds with 69% of the country and 57% of their own voters” Washington, DC – A strong majority of the American people are ready for immigration reform that includes a path to legal status and citizenship.  A... Continuar »
Washington, DC—Yesterday, students in Sioux City, Iowa organized a protest of Donald Trump’s campaign appearance at West High School. Over 800 people showed up for the event. Local KTIV news coverage described the rally: From Eastern to Western Iowa, a diverse crowd hoping to quiet Trump in Sioux City with a silent protest.... Continuar »
Yesterday, students in Sioux City, Iowa organized a protest of Donald Trump’s campaign appearance at West High School. Over 800 people showed up for the event: From Eastern to Western Iowa, a diverse crowd hoping to quiet Trump in Sioux City with a silent protest. “We are not going... Continuar »
English (en español al final de la página): Washington Examiner: Twitter campaign wants ‘SNL’ to cancel Trump By Joshua Axelrod Houston Chronicle: Poll: Trump largely unpopular among Hispanic voter By Lomi Kriel Florida Politics: AP Poll Shows Donald Trump With Just 11 Percent Support Among Latinos By Mitch Perry San Bernardino County... Continuar »
Earlier today, we learned that soon-to-be Speaker Paul Ryan, who was once a supporter of immigration reform, has already kowtowed to the anti-immigrant wing of the GOP. Via Kerry Eleveld at DailyKos: Rep. Paul “no horse trading” Ryan traded a huge horse last week while trying to solidify support... Continuar »
Frank Sharry: los republicanos están en camino de crear una versión acelerada del ciclo electoral de 2012, lo que podría hacer que sus anteriores problemas con los votantes latinos parezcan algo anticuados Washington, DC – Republicanos, tienen un problema. Sus candidatos y su partido verdaderamente están construyendo un muro…... Continuar »
Today, on the House floor, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez spoke “about some of the Chicago-area high school students he has met with in recent weeks. In particular, he spoke of the sense he gets from them that they are being motivated to register and vote because of Donald Trump. Standing... Continuar »
Yesterday, America’s Voice hosted a press call that included activists in Iowa who were concerned about today’s Trump event at West High School in Sioux City, Iowa. They were concerned that Trump’s bullying behavior and anti-immigrant rhetoric. From NBC’s Suzann Gamboa: Students and residents are circulating a petition to... Continuar »
Frank Sharry: The GOP Is On Course to Create A Turbo-Charged Version Of The 2012 Cycle That Could Make The Republicans’ Past Problems With Latino Voters Look Quaint Washington, DC – Republicans, you have a problem.  Your candidates and your party are indeed building a wall – between Latino... Continuar »