This week, the Senate voted by a 82-15 margin to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the immigration bill, S. 744…
The following is a press release from Bibles, Badges and Business, a project of the National Immigration Forum: Today, just a day after the Senate started debating the immigration reform bill on the floor, over a hundred Bibles, Badges and Business leaders from across the country are descending on...
The following is a press release from AFCSME: Working men and women and people of faith across Illinois are calling on their elected representatives in Washington to pass commonsense immigration reform that includes strong worker protections and creates a road map to citizenship for more than 11 million aspiring...
By Yoli Navas: This week United We DREAM leaders are busy rallying support for the bipartisan immigration reform bill being debated on the Senate Floor. They began yesterday by flooding the halls of Congress to ask their Senators to vote for a bill that will keep families together and...
El Senado estadounidense aprobó este martes con una amplia mayoría iniciar su debate final sobre una histórica reforma migratoria integral, mientras que el presidente Barack Obama volvía a insistir en que el proyecto sea aprobado antes del final del verano boreal. Con 84 votos a favor y 15 en...
Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding border security and the importance of bipartisan immigration reform. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: (emphasis ours) Last night the United States Senate advanced a bipartisan immigration reform bill that will be good for national security and...
El Senado estadounidense votó el martes para iniciar el debate de una histórica ley de inmigración y discutir sus enmiendas, superando un bloqueo procedimental que los opositores suelen usar para retrasar o incluso terminar con una legislación. Con los resultados de la elección de noviembre indicando un amplio apoyo...