Rep. Elton Gallegly's zeal to get tough on immigrants would have profound consequences for California's economy and the rest of the United States. Continue »
Immigration advocates scored a major victory in Arizona’s battle against SB 1070 today when a federal appeals court refused to lift a ban blocking the most extreme elements of the legislation. This decision involves the lawsuit filed against the Arizona law by the Obama administration’s Department of Justice. Continue »
On our crazy radar this week is Bryan Fischer, Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association, talk show host of American Family Radio, blogger of the AFA-run Rightly Concerned, and general mouthpiece for just about every hate cause imaginable. Continue »
A new backgrounder from America's Voice profiles Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA), the most important California Member of Congress dealing with immigration that you've never heard of. But if his hard line views become law he could ruin the state's economy – and further doom his party's prospects... Continue »
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled against the State of Arizona on Monday and let stand a lower court decision blocking the most contentious parts of the state's immigration law from going into effect. Continue »
The explosive growth of the Hispanic population reflected in the 2010 census will remake the electoral map—and could present Republicans with a challenge. Republicans have broadly benefited from the nation's continued population shift from the Northeast and Midwest to right-leaning Sun Belt states in recent decades, and those states... Continue »
The Democratic-led Maryland General Assembly strong-armed through a tax increase on alcohol in the final hours of its 90-day session Monday while voting to grant undocumented immigrants a break on college tuition. The action on the two-high profile issues came on a chaotic day during which lawmakers scrambled... Continue »
Immigration lawyers have been aware for some time that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are allowed into the city-run Detention Center at Magistrate Court to sweep for illegal immigrants. But beyond that small group, most in San Antonio are unaware of the practice. Continue »
Georgia's Senate on Monday approved an Arizona-style crackdown on illegal immigration amid threats of economic boycotts and petitions from thousands of critics who oppose the legislation. By a vote of 39 to 17, the Senate approved House Bill 87 after nearly three hours of debate and a lengthy... Continue »
For some time now, we've been noting to our readers that the Latino population is growing – fast. Our factual reports based off of the 2010 census are often followed by warnings, sometimes to Obama to keep his promise on passing immigration reform, but often to the GOP... Continue »