In his State of the Union Address, President Obama said that it makes "no sense to deport talented, responsible young people." So then why are young DREAMers, like Mario Perez, still getting deported? Continue »
Good news in our ongoing coverage of the Emily Ruiz case: Emily Ruiz, the four-year-old US citizen who was separated from her parents and returned by U.S. immigration authorities to Guatemala, has finally made it back home and was reunited with her parents early this morning. Continue »
After much grief and outrage, Emily Ruiz, the four-year-old US citizen who was deported to Guatemala, is on her way back to Long Island to be reunited with her family. Continue »
Following in the footsteps of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Virgil Peck, and the Three Amigos on Immigration (Reps. Smith (R-TX), Gallegly (R-CA), and King (R-IA)), all of whom have been using their elected positions to hate on immigrants, Shirley Matson, a tax assessor in Nevada, found herself in the... Continue »
Ahead of the one-year anniversary of SB 1070, the Center for American Progress released a new report entitled "A Rising Tide or a Shrinking Pie: The Economic Impact of Legalization Versus Deportation," analyzing what would happen if SB 1070 were carried out to its full intended effect and every... Continue »
Last week, with the release of the new census numbers, DC's political pundits took notice of the growing Latino population and realized that because of immigration, the Republican Party has a major problem on its hands. Continue »
The case of Emily Ruiz, the 4-year old US citizen who was separated from her parents and returned to Guatemala, has been generating widespread media attention since it broke a couple of weeks ago. America's Voice hosted a conference call today to discuss her story, featuring pro bono... Continue »
Manolo Lem is a young Chinese-American who would qualify for the DREAM Act. Brought to the US from Venezuela when he was just two years old, Manolo has lived nearly his entire life in Tennessee, graduated from high school with honors, and earned a BA from Middle Tennessee... Continue »
Probably the biggest political news story from the release of new census data was the growth of the Latino community -- and the corresponding political power of the Latino vote. As you'll see below, reporters and pundits around the country focuses on the political implications of these changing demographics. Continue »