The drumbeat of criticism about the Obama Administration’s so-called “Secure Communities” program continues, as more cities and states push back against its dragnet approach and insist on local control over police priorities. As we’ve noted before, the ramifications of S-Comm are often eerily similar to the ramifications of Arizona’s...
Cross-Posted at California Progress Report Years ago, California tried to take the punitive and xenophobic approach to immigration with Prop 187 — a 1994 ballot initiative whose stated goal was to keep undocumented immigrants from receiving public benefits, but would have essentially turned California into a police state for...
Jul 9, 2012
The TRUST Act is a bill currently moving through California state legislature that is the “anti-Arizona.” According to the San Jose Mercury News, it’s the “first-in-the-nation measure that would limit local law enforcers’ compliance with federal immigration rules requiring them to report to immigration authorities all arrested people suspected...
Jul 6, 2012
California positioned itself as the “anti-Arizona” on immigration enforcement, with the TRUST Act passing the California Senate with a 21-13 vote. The bill now moves to the State Assembly, where it’s also expected to pass.
Yesterday, California took a key step in positioning itself as the “anti-Arizona” on immigration enforcement, with the state Senate passing a bill that would restore common sense to states’ approach on immigration. Ironically, California was the first state to embrace an extremist approach to immigration with the passage of...
State Comes Full Circle from Prop 187 Days to Model Smart Immigration Enforcement Washington, DC – Yesterday, California took a key step in positioning itself as the “anti-Arizona” on immigration enforcement, with the state Senate passing a bill that would restore common sense to the proper role for states...
Major progress in the California State Senate this afternoon. We got the good news via twitter from National Day Labor Organizing Network’s (NDLON) Chris Newman: TRUSTACTpassed out of the California Senate — Chris Newman (@newman_chris) July 5, 2012 This bill is basically the antithesis of Arizona’s SB 1070. It’s designed...
At America’s Voice Education Fund, we have been strong critics of Secure Communities, the Obama Administration’s signature immigration enforcement program. We’ve noted that it’s difficult to distinguish the difference between Arizona’s draconian SB 1070 and the Obama administration’s tactics under Secure Communities. That’s how bad it is. The Secure Communities program...