On the Eve of Vital Presidential Primaries, GOP Demographic Landscape in Shambles Donald Trump is the likely Republican nominee. His reputation as a nativist extremist is likely to hurt the Republican Party’s general election prospects. Consider these facts: New Gallup polling finds that Latino voters overwhelmingly view Donald Trump negatively –... Continue »
Leading Observers Wrestle with the Implications of Our New, Disturbing and Profoundly Sad Moment in Modern American Politics   To a degree unprecedented in modern American political history, Donald Trump and his campaign’s blend of nativism, demagoguery and authoritarianism have been bleeding into civil society and fostering a dangerous... Continue »
In a year where Florida politicians like Marco Rubio and Carlos Lopez-Cantera continue to embrace Trump’s extreme position on immigration, Republicans across the country should take note on Latino and immigrant community’s commitment to fight back anti-immigrant extremism. The Florida’s legislative session has come to a close, meaning that... Continue »
Republican and conservative resistance to the prospect of Donald Trump as the party’s nominee has been a major political storyline in recent weeks. Yet underappreciated is the extent to which the general electorate is already gearing up to stop a potential Trump candidacy. Below, we excerpt some recent pieces... Continue »
The Republican presidential contest appears to be winnowing down to a two-person race. As ABC News Political Director Rick Klein assesses, “With Chris Christie and Jeb Bush gone, and Marco Rubio and John Kasich left scrambling to win their home states, Republicans are facing the prospect of seeing Ted Cruz... Continue »
The headdesk moment of the Republican debate came thanks to Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who spent most of the night attacking Donald Trump, then pledged to support him as the GOP’s nominee for President. John Kasich, who was a bit of an afterthought last night, also vowed to support him... Continue »
With Donald Trump firmly in the GOP front-runner seat, some Republican candidates and elected officials are criticizing his cozy relationship with white nationalists, while admitting that they will nonetheless back him if he is the eventual nominee.  Republicans like Paul Ryan may not want to admit that they have become the Party of Trump,... Continue »
Over the weekend, Donald Trump refused three times to disavow the support he received from David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK. It’s no coincidence that Trump would refuse to disavow the KKK as white primary voters in a number of Southern states are set to cast... Continue »
We’re honestly not sure what Marco Rubio is thinking these days. In the space of a few weeks, he’s gone from the Rubiobot, to bad late night comic, last Friday “joking” at a rally that the reason why Donald Trump has tweeted so many misspellings is because “he must have... Continue »
Growing Conservative Anti-Trump Movement Welcome, But Should Have Started Nine Months Ago The growing conservative movement to oppose Donald Trump begs the question: with the exception of a few brave conservatives, where have most of these opponents been for the past nine months of Trump’s openly nativist candidacy? Just... Continue »