The news that the Trump administration will raid $3.6 billion from 127 different military construction projects for the border wall is a disturbing indictment of this administration’s priorities. As lawmakers and observers speak out in opposition and call for specific details about the projects to be raided, it’s worth... Continue »
In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Tom K. Wong, political science professor and highly-regarded researcher at University of California San Diego, details the growing abuses of the Trump administration in their attempts to prohibit asylum seekers from entering the U.S. As Wong notes, “From substandard conditions in... Continue »
“All of it came as our fellow Americans in El Paso buried their dead following a terrorist attack inspired by Trump and his allies.” Last Friday, America’s Voice published a detailed overview of the litany of attacks launched by the Trump administration — in August alone — on legal... Continue »
“Can the Trump administration sink any lower than threatening to deport sick kids?” Last night, Rachel Maddow lifted up the story of Isabel Bueso and the Trump administration’s cruel plan to deport her to her death. This is part of a secretive new policy to end grants of medical... Continue »
Rally-goers discuss what's happening with DACA in the courts.
The following is a statement from Ur Jaddou, Director of DHS Watch, regarding the Trump administration’s new citizenship policy:  The Trump administration just issued a new policy that will make it harder for some children of U.S. citizens born abroad to obtain citizenship, including those serving our country through... Continue »
“…this was a month of relentless anti-immigrant and anti-immigration cruelty, even by the standards of  this administration. All of it came as our fellow Americans in El Paso buried their dead…” The month of August began with a devastating act of violence, as a terrorist targeting immigrants and Latinos... Continue »
“The administration’s relentless efforts to keep out and kick out immigrants is taking a toll on peoples’ lives” Beyond the abstract policy debate, the Trump administration’s assault on a functional and welcoming immigration system is taking a toll on real lives. “President Trump, Stephen Miller, and allies are dismantling... Continue »
The same Trump administration that is seeking to end the best-known deferred action program – DACA for Dreamers – has quietly announced the termination of all other types of non-military deferred action requests processed by USCIS. Deferred action is a form of prosecutorial discretion that says the U.S. does... Continue »
Leading observers continue to point out the potential harm of the Trump administration’s announcement to target kids and vulnerable families through indefinite detention.  For example, read Cornell Law professor Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer in the Washington Post recapping the details and implications of the proposed changes to Flores. The research shows... Continue »
Leading Voices Denounce Trump Plan to Indefinitely Detain Kids The Trump administration’s cruel announcement to target kids and vulnerable families through indefinite detention has generated a volume of outrage from leading voices. According to Douglas Rivlin, Director of Communications for America’s Voice, “The cruelty is and always has been... Continue »