Hay un refrán popular en español que dice “Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres”, el cual plasma claramente cómo las personas de las que te rodeas dicen mucho sobre tu carácter y tus valores. Y eso aplica también en el ámbito político. Por ejemplo, las recientes...
This post was written by Donroy Ferdinand Jr. He’s a senior at Howard University. In September 2021, Haitian families looking for safety made the perilous journey to the United States border to make their legal claim for asylum. Fleeing the instability of a nation suffering from a recent...
Por más lamentable que haya sido el mortal tiroteo del sábado en Buffalo, Nueva York, que cobró la vida de 10 personas, en su mayoría afroamericanos, a manos de un desequilibrado supremacista blanco, la cruda realidad es que era de anticiparse. En efecto, pues tal parece que para una...
On May 3, Ohio Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance took the stage for a victory night speech after winning the most expensive Senate primary ever, and continued to spew the same nativist dog-whistles that were an essential part of his primary campaign. Tens of millions of dollars were spent...
El gobernador republicano de Texas, Greg Abbott, asegura que la anticipada alza en el flujo de migrantes en la frontera cuando se elimine el llamado Título 42 es una “invasión” y, por ende, prevé la posibilidad de que se justifique la intervención militar del estado sin violar las leyes...
Last night, Republicans showed their midterm strategy, a rowdy and offensive message for the base, and a choreographed set of racial dog-whistles for the general public. While the House Members who roll with white nationalists, militias, and the insurrectionist crowd looked to cause a scene during the President’s speech...
A look at Republican messages, statements, and ads from the past week paints a picture of what we can expect over the next ten months: lies and distortions are key elements of their deliberate use of a race-based midterm strategy If you were just listening to Republicans last week,...
New Report Released by Immigration Hub and America’s Voice Today, Immigration Hub and America’s Voice released a new report that tracks the content, volume and impact of right-wing paid ad and social media campaigns centered on immigration. As the GOP begins to ramp up its attacks against Afghan...
Enacting a path to citizenship for immigrants will be a powerful rebuke to right-wing xenophobia Republicans and right-wing media are increasingly promoting dangerous xenophobic tropes that put a target on the backs of immigrants. GOP leaders are deploying the incendiary term “invasion,” pushing the racist “replacement theory,” and...
La forma que ha escogido el “trumpismo” para resurgir después de su fracaso como “modelo” político-social de Estados Unidos obliga a una nación de inmigrantes a hacerle frente de manera inmediata. Sí, detener su avance se vuelve un asunto urgente desde este preciso momento en que Trump y los...