As we wrote yesterday, Mitt Romney’s NALEO speech left many questions unanswered regarding immigration policy, including whether or not a President Romney would rescind President Obama’s new directive to protect DREAM-eligible young people.  It turns out that many others share our confusion, including a campaign policy advisor, who today... Continue »
As the issue of immigration takes center stage, and the political world watches the dueling speeches at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference between Mitt Romney and President Obama, the Republican echo chamber seems to have settled on a set of talking points.  Together,... Continue »
With a softer tone than he used in the GOP primaries, Mitt Romney tried to trick his audience at NALEO into thinking that he’s a moderate on immigration.  But Greg Sargent, Mark Murray and Michael Tomasky weren’t fooled (see below).  Once the smoke cleared, there was no fire.  Romney... Continue »
With a softer tone than he used in the GOP primaries, Mitt Romney tried to fool his audience at NALEO into thinking that he’s an immigration reformer.  But Greg Sargent, Mark Murray and Michael Tomasky weren’t fooled (see below).  Once the smoke cleared, there was no fire.  Romney did... Continue »
At the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference,  Mitt Romney again refuses to say anything substantial about immigration. Continue »
During his eagerly anticipated speech today at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney underwhelmed and failed the leadership test, refusing to say anything substantial about immigration and once again not answering the question of what he would do about... Continue »
At NALEO, Mitt Underwhelms & Fails the Leadership Test During his eagerly anticipated speech today at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney underwhelmed and failed the leadership test. The following is a reaction from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of... Continue »