Donald Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon — “the main driver behind Breitbart becoming a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill” — was named chief strategist and senior counselor to the President-elect. Under Bannon’s leadership, “Breitbart’s publishing strategy turned to one that has made it the media arm of the racist Alternative-Right... Continue »
Women of color won historic victories in Senate, House, and state races across the nation this past week. In Nevada, former state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto defeated Republican Congressman Joe Heck to become the first Latina elected to the US Senate. Let’s take a moment to celebrate Catherine... Continue »
Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign emboldened racists and bigots to commit hateful acts against Latinos, immigrants, Muslim-Americans, and other already-marginalized groups. Now his Presidential victory has given them permission to double-down. In the hours since President-elect Trump’s victory, we’ve seen a flood of reports of Trump-inspired hate acts by his supporters. We’ve tracked these... Continue »
Last night, Donald Trump won the Presidency. This is a painful moment in our history, and our communities, in particular, are in mourning. Donald Trump targeted immigrants and Latinos from the start of his Presidential campaign, and now many in our communities are left wondering what will happen to... Continue »
Latino Decisions’ national election eve poll of Latino voters finds that nationally Latino voters support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a historically lopsided 79-18% margin – a 4:1 margin. We are releasing this number now because preliminary and incomplete results of the national exit polls appear to suggest... Continue »
Below are select results on key issues and voting process questions released as part of the first installment of the Latino Decisions and Asian American Decisions election eve national and state polls. More details will be released as part of a 4 PM ET/1 PM PT press call this afternoon... Continue »
2016 Election Coverage from America's Voice
We’re finally here — Election Day 2016. As early voting numbers have indicated, Latino and immigrant voters will play key roles in battleground states that will determine who occupies the White House come January. “Donald Trump opened his White House bid by stoking fears of Mexicans flooding the border,” NBC’s... Continue »
*** Latino & Asian American Voter Election Eve Poll to Be Released in Multiple Installments*** Releases Throughout Election Day (2pm EST/11am PT and 4pm EST/1pm PT) Candidate Questions Released as Polls Close in Individual States (starting 7pm EST/4pm PT and ending at 11pm EST/8pm PT)  Wed 11/9: Webinar on Latino poll and... Continue »
Though many of them cannot vote in this Presidential election, immigrants are making their voices heard in what is shaping out to be a historic election for Latinos. As we noted earlier today, a leading story emerging from early voting days has been that of Latino voters owning their power... Continue »
Less than 24 hours before Election Day, one of the dominant post-election storylines has already emerged: Latino voters are surging, poised to vote in historic numbers against Donald Trump in large part due to immigration issues, and are set to be decisive in key states throughout the country: Jonathan... Continue »