Cross-posted at Latino Vote Matters, Latino Decisions, and Daily Kos: While President Obama’s support among Latino voters has fallen slightly from its peak prior to the first debate (week 6 of the tracking poll), effects of a poor debate performance by President Obama have been minimal. Furthermore, we find...
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) held a briefing on the impact of the Latino vote in 2012 and beyond this morning, and we attended the event so that we could live-tweet. Arturo Vargas, the executive director of NALEO Educational Fund, was there to moderate...
In an interview with Spanish news agency EFE yesterday, Otto Reich, a Mitt Romney campaign surrogate for Latin America, attributed Romney’s low level of support among Latino voters to his belief that Latino voters “are not well informed.” Reich further lamented that “We’re not communicating (with those voters) as we should”...
There are just two weeks left until Election Day and the Educating Maryland Kids campaign supporting Question 4 and the state DREAM Act is in full gear. We received this update from the campaign, highlighting the upcoming events this week that will rally in favor of the Maryland DREAM Act...
Oct 22, 2012
Campaigns and political observers are in agreement that Latino voters will be one of the key factors in this year’s presidential race. As we have pointed out, Latino voters’ influence will hinge on both margin (head-to-head polling) and mobilization (eventual turnout). While margin has remained relatively unchanged in the presidential matchup, with President Obama...
Cross-posted at Daily Kos. As the final days of the 2012 campaign draw near, America’s Voice is launching a six-figure radio and online ad buy to inform Arizona and San Diego Latino voters about the immigration positions taken by some of their local candidates Starting today, the ads will...
New Ads Running Through Election Day to Highlight Immigration’s Role in AZ Senate, Arpaio Sheriff Race, & Bilbray’s CA-52 House Race As the final days of the 2012 campaign draw near, America’s Voice is launching a six-figure radio and online ad buy to inform Arizona and San Diego Latino...
UPDATED: Univision just published a fact-check on this ad. Here’s an excerpt: “And to achieve permanent solutions for undocumented youth.” During the primaries, Romney said he would veto the current version of the DREAM Act, which would have given undocumented youth a special path to citizenship for those that...
Today’s New York Times has a front page article titled, “Campaigns See Latino Voters as Deciders in 3 Key States,” discussing the Latino vote in Colorado, Florida and Nevada. From the headline, one might get the impression that the battle for the Latino vote in those three states is actually...
Oct 18, 2012
The exchange on immigration during the second presidential debate has misled some observers into believing that Mitt Romney has softened his position on immigration. Unfortunately, that is not the case. His strategy the other night–as it has been the entire general election season when it comes to immigration–was to wrap his...