Romney Will Allow Work Permits for a Few, But Vows to End Obama’s DREAMer Relief Program For the Many Spurred by his first debate performance, some observers argue that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has started to “move to the middle” on a host of key issues, including immigration....
The Arizona Senate race between Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and former Surgeon General Richard Carmona (D) has emerged as one of this fall’s surprise toss-up races. With analysts recognizing that the state’s rapidly growing Latino voter population could tilt the outcome, immigration has become one of the key flashpoints in the contest....
Earlier this week we wrote about a new University of Maryland Baltimore County study finding that the passage of Maryland’s Question 4 (a vote in favor of that state’s DREAM Act) will generate $66 million in economic benefits for the state: Maryland’s Dream Act, if approved by voters on...
Today, at a live streamed panel held in the Tivoli Student Union at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, political analysts, advocates, and community leaders from Colorado and across the country discussed how Latino voters and the immigration issue will shape the Presidential, Senate and House races in this state and beyond. Gabriel...
Yesterday, America’s Voice with Latino Decisions released a brand-new poll on the Latino vote in Arizona, finding—among other things—that Obama leads Romney 80% to 14% there among Latino voters, and that Democratic senatorial candidate Richard Carmona leads incumbent Jeff Flake 75% to 12%. Today, we are releasing a new...
Today, we held a discussion panel in the crucial swing state of Arizona to discuss the November election, the Latino vote, and the impact of immigration politics. During the events, Latino Decisions released brand-new polling that gave us insight into what Latino voters in Arizona are thinking. Here are some...
Last week, America’s Voice with Latino Decisions released two brand-new polls on the Latino vote in Florida and Nevada, finding—among other things—that Obama leads Romney 61-31% among Florida Hispanics and by an even greater percentage in Nevada. Today, we are releasing a new poll on the Latino vote in...
Four weeks from today, Maryland voters will have the chance to defend the DREAM Act by voting FOR Question 4. So far, the polling looks good for our side. Supporters of Question 4, led by students, took to the streets over the weekend with a march by young people that...
Cross-Posted at Latino Decisions and Latino Vote Matters: The latest impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll released today revealed a continued trend in support for President Obama, and increased dissatisfaction with Republican outreach towards Latino voters, with a possible opening for Romney on his education plan. [Full week 7 results posted...
What would happen if the United States were to grant a pathway to legal status to an estimated 2.1 million eligible youth in our country by passing the DREAM Act? That’s the focus of a new report released by the Center for American Progress and Partnership for a New...