We couldn't agree more with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) when he says President Obama: "...Must lead on immigration by offering specific proposals to secure our borders, upholding the rule of law and treating illegal immigrants with justice and compassion." But saying the right thing is not the... Continue »
Looks like a group of Republicans are seeking to impose a litmus test on candidates seeking party support. We think it's time for the Republican Party to ask themselves which America they want to live in: the "shining city on a hill" or the electrified livestock pen, with the... Continue »
I'm not convinced Washington has awakened to the reality yet -- but the 2010 Census is going to shake things up politically in this country, and politicians would do themselves a favor to wake up and smell the coffee in advance. This is about raw political power -- something... Continue »
In the aftermath of Saturday's landmark passage of a health care reform bill in the House of Representatives, many Republican Members of Congress are scratching their heads and wondering how they could have allowed the bill to pass. They are questioning why their leadership didn't agree to use the... Continue »
A: Billions upon billions, if some Republicans get their way. Fortunately, they didn't get their way on the Census yesterday. The Vitter-Bennett census amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill became a moot point yesterday afternoon when the Senate ended debate on the bill in a nail-biting... Continue »
Before Tuesday's special election in New York's 23rd Congressional district, we reported that the nativist extremist Minuteman PAC had predicted third-party Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman was "positioned to win a landslide victory." The Minutemen -- and the rest of the right-wing fringe groups that endorsed Hoffman over moderate Republican Dede... Continue »
The Huffington Post reported yesterday that a Senate resolution honoring the Hispanic media passed without a single Republican co-sponsor. The resolution, declaring October 25th-31st "National Hispanic Media Week," was on hold for several days while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) struggled in vain to find Republican co-sponsors for... Continue »
The Republican Party doesn't just have an image problem, it has an issue problem. Take the new CNN/ORC poll on the latest major legislative push beginning today, which the GOP opposes: cap-and-trade energy legislation aimed at curbing climate change and boosting efficiency. Continue »
Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), was interviewed Sunday on Univision's news show "Al Punto," hosted by Jorge Ramos. During the interview, Steele declared he was "sick and tired of people playing the hot politics of immigration." Steele said: I am hoping the (Obama) administration, as we get... Continue »
They call themselves Somos Republicans. But they don't want anything to do with the state Republican Party. Nor do they want to associate with some of the party's biggest names, such as Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio or Sen. Russell Pearce. Continue »