House Republicans are split over an immigration bill that is backed by presidential candidate Mitt Romney as the measure is attracting escalating criticism from industry groups and rank-and-file members. Continue »
Marco Rubio is not running for president -- not this voting cycle, anyway. But those on the other side of the aisle are well aware of his potential, and are already turning up their scrutiny a notch. The GOP candidate perhaps likeliest to become the nominee, Mitt Romney, has... Continue »
Marco Rubio is not running for president -- not this voting cycle, anyway. But those on the other side of the aisle are well aware of his potential, and are already turning up their scrutiny a notch. The GOP candidate perhaps likeliest to become the nominee, Mitt Romney, has... Continue »
House Republican Jeff Duncan (SC) is just the latest in a long line of Republicans to say something horribly impolitic about immigrants, only to backtrack later. He readily joins the club as one of their most nonsensical members. Earlier this week, Duncan described the US border as “like having... Continue »
One year out from the 2012 election, we've released a report that the Republican Party's stance on immigration—and what it means for their candidates' ability to compete for Latino voters—is shaping up as one of the major storylines this election cycle. The report finds that as Republicans continue... Continue »
Between Herman Cain calling for an "electrified fence" to keep out "illegals," and Michele Bachmann saying she'll do nothing to help the children of undocumented immigrants -- all while Alabama (and now South Carolina) are trying to scare immigrants back to Mexico – famous Hollywood director, Chris Weitz, decided... Continue »
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress that her department will not be helping Alabama enforce its new immigration law. Which makes a lot of sense considering 1) the Department of Justice is in court trying to overturn the law and 2) the federal government has been a... Continue »
Michelle Bachmann said Saturday she would not help children of immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally. At a campaign stop in Iowa, a Latino college student asked the presidential hopeful what she would do to the children of undocumented immigrants. Continue »
Representative Tim Griffin, a Republican freshman from Arkansas with a university in his district, supports legislation that would make it easier for foreign math and science professionals to get legal residency. Continue »
Another prominent Republican is speaking out against the vicious anti-immigrant rhetoric occurring in the GOP presidential contest. In his column at the Washington Post, Michael Gerson, who served as chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush, challenges the tactics of Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Continue »