President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are making it clear that, after the immediate post-election psu to deal with the impending fiscal cliff, immigration reform is at the top of their second-term agenda. In recent interviews with both English- and Spanish-language media outlets, both members of the... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions, Latino Vote Matters, Daily Kos:  The Latino electorate continues to be one of the most intriguing story lines of the 2012 election cycle, with the role of immigration policy in Latino voting behavior dominating discussions of the Latino vote in this critical election. Here at... Continue »
Democratic Ticket Makes Intentions Clear, but Question Remains: If Obama is Re-Elected, Will Republicans Obstruct or Sue for Peace? President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are making it clear that, after the immediate post-election push for a deficit reduction package and compromise on fiscal reforms, immigration reform... Continue »
Today, America’s Voice releases updated analysis and polling that highlights the crucial role Latino, Asian, and other voters who care about common sense immigration reform will play in next week’s federal elections.  In addition, an interactive map from Latino Decisions and America’s Voice Education Fund reveals how changes in... Continue »
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: Hace apenas un mes comencé a visitar una Iglesia Metodista cercana a mi casa y como ocurre en otras iglesias mayormente afroamericanas de la capital política del país, el tema de la elección no queda fuera, sobre todo de las oraciones.... Continue »