Tens of thousands of undocumented Minnesotans are now eligible to apply for a driver’s license, thanks to a new law signed into place by Democratic Gov. Tim Walz in March. The bill’s prospects for passage were greatly enhanced when Democrats took control of the State Senate last November, ensuring...

In Public Safety And Immigrant Rights Win, 280,000 Individuals In Massachusetts and Nearly 30,000 Individuals In Rhode Island May Apply In a historic win for its immigrant communities, Massachusetts this week enacted a law passed last year that makes roads safer and helps keep families together by opening driver’s...
DREAMers scored a huge victory yesterday after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a 2015 decision from District Court Judge David Campbell and ruled that Arizona must keep issuing driver’s licenses to young immigrants protected by DACA. From NBC News: The decision came in the appeal of a...
Thanks to new state law, nearly half of all driver’s licenses issued to Californians in 2015 went to undocumented immigrants. Under Assembly Bill 60, which went into effect in January 2015, any Californian who meets necessary driving requirements is eligible to receive a driver’s license, regardless of immigration status....
In the face of Congressional inaction on immigration reform, states and local governments are taking their own steps to better improve the lives of the nation’s undocumented immigration population — and there’s no better example of that than California. 12 states and Washington, D.C. currently allow undocumented immigrants to legally...
One small piece of plastic is drastically improving the lives of undocumented immigrants who call California and Nebraska home. In California — home to nearly three million undocumented immigrants, or about 25% of the nation’s undocumented population — 443,000 undocumented immigrants have received driver’s licenses under new state law, and...
Delaware might become the next state to provide undocumented immigrants with driver’s licenses. Earlier this week, the State Senate passed SB59, a bill that would provide undocumented immigrants who meet certain requirements with a valid driver’s license. After receiving an overwhelming majority in the Senate, the measure passed with...
Yesterday, America’s Voice launched the first-ever “Dignity Days,” a virtual discussion to highlight the efforts from immigration leaders who are spearheading local and state immigration victories around the country. As Republicans have both failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and then blocked President Obama’s 2014 immigration actions shielding millions...
Earlier this week, the unicameral legislature in Nebraska passed a bill that lifted the ban on driver’s licenses for the beneficiaries of President Obama’s original DACA program. This made Nebraska the last state to take that action. This was a significant victory for the immigrant community and its allies....
Looks like the Republican Party still has some more tweaking to do when it comes to that whole Latino outreach thing. Yesterday, Nebraska State Senator Bill Kintner used the racial slur “wetback” during ongoing debate over a bill that would finally grant driver’s licenses to Nebraska’s DREAMers. Considering a good number...