Groups Called on Members of Congress to Stand Strong Against Extreme Immigration Policies Washington, DC — Today, leading immigration policy experts and advocates from New York City, Boston, and Los Angeles called on Congress to pass much-needed funding for cities to improve the asylum process and support asylum seekers... Continue »
Mobile billboards circling Capitol Hill this week are urging Congress to reject a GOP proposal that threatens decades of established U.S. asylum law in exchange for funding our allies in Ukraine. “Don’t Trade Trump’s Immigration Agenda for Ukraine Aid,” reads one of the billboards from Casa in Action, The... Continue »
Senate Republicans have been demanding a series of cruel, draconian and permanent changes to the U.S. asylum system in exchange for funding to support our allies in Ukraine. These lawmakers seek to end the legal pathway of asylum as we know it and cut off other legal avenues for... Continue »
For recording of today’s call, click HERE Washington, DC — On a press call held this morning, leading immigration policy experts and advocates discussed the details and implications of proposals being discussed in the Senate to restrict access to the American asylum system, radically restrict access to lawful migration... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas: “Asylum seekers need a hand up, not a handout. These mayors understand this and that is why they are calling for an orderly, efficient and fair process for asylum seekers to arrive and be able to support themselves through work as their cases are heard.” Washington, DC... Continue »
Late last week in California, a group of 16 Venezuelan and Colombian migrants were dumped outside the door of a Sacramento church, after they were apparently transported to the state on a private flight after being cajoled with promises of work and other assistance. But those promises turned out... Continue »
When migrants are all too frequently framed as faceless numbers, it’s necessary to have a reminder that we are talking about human beings who have overcome grueling circumstances and oftentimes survived perilous journeys to reach the U.S. A new series from Maine’s Portland Press Herald is shining an important... Continue »
For the past few months, the vitriol aimed at migrants has reached a fevered pitch, spurred on by Republicans pushing racist conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, they suck up a lot of air time. But, there’s another part of the story that needs to be told. It’s about people across the... Continue »
The Biden Administration has announced that it is moving forward with a proposed asylum ban. The proposed asylum ban would deny asylum to migrants encountered along the U.S. – Mexico border who transited through a country without seeking asylum there first. It is a policy similar to ones that... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas Reacts to New Biden Border and Asylum News Washington, DC – Today, the Biden Administration unveiled a new “carrot and stick” approach for Nicaraguans, Cubans, Haitians and Venezuelans at the U.S. southern border.  The following is a statement from Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director of America’s Voice:  “President... Continue »