Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and others like to pontificate about the evils of illegal immigration. But it turns out these politicians are missing a key point: Kansas needs illegal immigrants. Continue »
Immigrants have been central to building America. Opportunity-seeking, energetic, entrepreneurial and freedom-loving, these new "transplants" drawn by the magnet of American opportunity have helped make the United States the most prosperous country in the world. Continue »
Here's the story: on Tuesday, the FBI arrested four East Haven Police Department officers and charged them with conspiracy, false arrest, excessive force, and obstruction of justice. Over many years, it seems, these officers have been abusing minorities, especially Hispanics, and then trying to cover it up. Continue »
Mitt Romney is poised to win the Florida Republican primary and polls suggest he will win with virtually all key demographic groups – including Hispanics. But given Romney's controversial calls for "self-deportation," his promise in Iowa to veto the DREAM Act, and his embrace of Arizona and Alabama... Continue »
Conventional wisdom has held that immigration is less an issue for Latino voters in Florida than in other states. While that may be true in a Republican primary, demographic realities make it less and less true in a general election, where Cuban voters make up only 5% of... Continue »
With all of the immigration news happening across the country, it's rare that we here in DC have an opportunity to take action in a local fight. Well here's your chance! The immigrant youth movement is spearheading a campaign to allow all DC residents to obtain driver's licenses. Continue »
It's been a little while since we've mentioned Alabama's HB 56, the harshest state immigration law in the land. With the state legislature coming back into session February 7, however, will come renewed attempts to repeal this terrible law. And boy, are there reasons to push repeal. Continue »
MIAMI  –  Le llaman la Esquina de la Suerte y el dueño del restaurante Casa Marín asegura que la visita del precandidato presidencial Mitt Romney al establecimiento en el corazón de Hialeah el domingo le supondrá el triunfo seguro en las primarias republicanas este martes. “Ya ganó”, declaró Diosdado... Continue »
Speaking to the Hispanic Leadership Network (HLN), Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida sounded like someone who knows he's being considered as a possible running mate for the Republican nominee this fall. Continue »
At DailyKos, Markos Moulitsas looked at the polling numbers on Latinos and the presidential candidate. He sees "zero opening" for the GOP when it comes to attracting Latino voters. Continue »