In order to get California localities on board the Secure Communities program, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials had to resort to deliberate deception, fudging the facts as to whether the program was voluntary, what its priorities would be, and where it derived its authority. Continue »
As we've been mentioned in previous blog posts, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office in Detroit is one of the worst run offices in the country. Continue »
It is not uncommon for law enforcement agencies to have helicopters and planes to patrol from above, but Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, has created what he calls his own air force: a collection of 30 private planes that his "air posse" uses to track illegal immigrants... Continue »
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Detroit is "out of control" and must be held accountable for its actions, according to one immigrant rights leader. Ryan Bates, director of the Alliance for Immigrant Rights & Reform Michigan, says Detroit ICE agents have been involved in at least half... Continue »
Following Arizona's lead, the Georgia Legislature on Thursday passed a strict measure that would empower police to check the immigration status of "criminal" suspects and force many businesses to do the same with potential employees. Continue »
It doesn't happen very often, but this week immigrants had something to celebrate: an appellate court ruling upholding the prohibition on enforcing Arizona's infamous "papers, please" immigration law. Continue »
For evidence of the political minefield that is immigration reform, look no further than the Florida Senate. On one side is Senate President Mike Haridopolos, who is looking to attract tea-party conservatives to his Republican bid for U.S. Senate, along with others in the GOP Continue »
Elton Gallegly's (R-CA) and the other two amigos (Reps. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Steve King (R-IA)) have arranged immigration hearings so that it seems as if they're holding them to include a range of topics relating to immigration, but they each follow the same formula: pit different groups against... Continue »
An investigation into the Maricopa County sheriff's office discovered that Arpaio, the Bull Connor reincarnate of immigration enforcement, inappropriately spent $99.5 million from two jail funds over the last eight years to pay for other law enforcement operations—including immigration patrols. Continue »
Last May, Michigan DREAMer Ivan Nikolov and his mother were detained in a Michigan detention facility, where Ivan was forced to watch while his crying mother was strip-searched. Only a small, shoulder-length screen separated the two. Continue »