Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice PA Dreamers and Lancaster Ed Board Call for Swift Action from Congressional Reps & Senators Grand Rapids Dreamers and Advocates Hold Dreamer Mega-Dinner With Local Officials Rep. Jayapal (D-WA) Holds Dreamer Dinner in Seattle, Says Dreamers Are “As American as It Gets” Advocates Ask for DACA Renewal... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice The DACA Decision is Down to One Man and One Man Only: President Donald Trump Today’s Biggest DACA News is from Nashville TN Attorney General Breaks with TX on Immigration Lawsuit DACA-Recipients, Legal Experts & Advocates Call On Paxton and Trump to Focus on Building Our Country,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Amnesty for Arpaio an Affront to Our Values White Nationalists Want to End DACA; To Stop Them, We Must Protect Dreamers Trump Needs to Keep DACA — and ICE Needs to Respect It Op-eds Make Powerful Cases for Why We Must Keep DACA La amnistía para Arpaio... Continue »
Why the Reported “Deal” is a Non-Starter A report from Anita Kumar of McClatchy reveals that some in the White House want to use Dreamers as a “bargaining chip” in a larger immigration legislative debate: Donald Trump’s top aides are pushing him to protect young people brought into the country illegally... Continue »
El Paso, TX – In a piece condemning Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for his attack on DACA, a program that provides nearly 800,000 young people the opportunity to go to school, work, and contribute to the American economy, the El Paso Times Editorial Board writes that while “Paxton’s grandstanding undoubtedly plays well with... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Trump and Sessions Undermine Public Safety to Advance Anti-Immigrant Agenda Brooklyn Father Who Helped Police Is Released from Detention, Says He’d “Testify Again” Top News ABC 30 DACA supporters visit Congressman Nunes’ office on 5th anniversary of program By Brian Johnson August 15, 2017 Washington Post Trump’s... Continue »
English Tampa Bay Times ‘Dreamers’ worry about future on 5th anniversary of DACA By Alex Leary August 15, 2017 ThinkProgress Undocumented DREAMers mark 5th anniversary of DACA with fear and hope By Esther Lee August 15, 2017 Rising Up With Sonali Immigrants, Advocates Rally To Save DACA August 15,... Continue »
Are Dream Kids Next on His Hit List to Make America White Again? Washington, DC – Following this weekend’s horrors in Charlottesville, and President Trump’s moral failure to condemn the white nationalist terror attack, a number of observers are pointing out that white nationalism is not a bug, but... Continue »
The FBI was searching for suspects Saturday after an explosive device detonated at a suburban Minneapolis mosque as people were preparing for morning prayers, damaging a room but not causing any injuries, authorities and witnesses said. The blast happened at around 5 a.m. at the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center... Continue »
It’s un-American, but thankfully, going nowhere; the threat to DACA, however, is un-American and imminent If the goal was to generate universal condemnation from economists and position themselves in opposition to the Statue of Liberty, then this week’s White House-led rollout of the RAISE Act was a home run.... Continue »