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Reps. Gutierrez and Diaz-Balart, Pollster and Immigration Advocates Discuss Immigration Politics and District Polling

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Data from Recent Polls in Key “Immigration Power Districts” Aggregated and Explained

Washington, DC—Today, America’s Voice hosted a briefing to analyze the state of public opinion on immigration reform in key battleground congressional districts.

Moderated by Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, today’s panel featured David Flaherty of Magellan Strategies who discussed a wave of polls conducted this fall in key Republican districts, as well as Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) who made the case for why Democrats and Republicans must work together to reach bipartisan consensus and pass immigration reform.  You can watch video of the presentation here and view the power point slides here.

Speakers today also highlighted ImmigrationPower.com, a website that aggregates data on 40 Republican districts that are among the most crucial to achieving immigration reform in the House.  Data from the 17 Magellan Strategies polls, as well as several other district polls and other information, is available there. 

As signs point to the House finally taking up immigration reform legislation in 2014, what is at stake for Republicans and Democrats?  For years, polls have shown that immigration reform with a path to citizenship is widely popular among voters, but recent research in dozens of Republican-held districts reveals that a path to citizenship specifically enjoys strong support in key battleground districts and with voters across all ideologies—including Republicans.  These data make it clear that achieving a consensus on this issue is both possible and politically viable in the House.


  • Visit ImmigrationPower.com to view all 17 of our in-district polls and more on the changing demographics of 40 key GOP districts.
  • Watch Video of the Presentation HERE
  • View the Power Point Slides from Today HERE