America’s Voice Reunited for Now, TPS Holder & Son Worry About Administration’s Termination of TPS Xenophobia Backfires Again. Will Trump and the GOP Ever Learn? Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta English U.S. News and World Report Shutdown Ends, Impasse Remains By Susan... Continue »
The Supreme Court took no action Tuesday on the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a move that requires the government to keep the program going for at least 10 more months. The Trump administration urged the justices to hear appeals of lower court rulings that prevent... Continue »
America’s Voice PHOTOS: Federal Workers Protest in Senate Offices America’s Voice Recommendation: Vote NO on Trump/GOP Senate Bill to Fund Wall; Vote YES on Bill to Reopen Government Now SCOTUS declines to hear DACA, allowing Dreamers to continue renewing applications New Polls: Public Overwhelmingly Blames Trump and the GOP... Continue »
America’s Voice Este cierre de gobierno no tiene que ver con seguridad nacional, ni con política migratoria, sino con racismo This Shutdown is Not About National Security. It’s Not About Immigration Policy. It’s About Racism. Harry Enten: “Trump has boxed himself in on the shutdown with nowhere to go”... Continue »
America’s Voice Insensibilizarnos ante los excesos de Trump debilita la democracia New Polls: Trump Has Lost the Argument, Bigly English New York Times Trump’s Wall Stance Upends Washington’s Usual Border Bargaining By Michael D. Shear January 12, 2019 Washington Post A brief guide to Steve King’s ‘long history of... Continue »
America’s Voice Mario Carrillo: Those from the Border Should Be Represented When We’re Talking About Wall New Poll: By 52-33% Margin, Americans Blame Trump/GOP for Government Shutdown over the Border Wall National Security and Immigration Policy Experts Address Trump’s Falsehoods and Plea for a Border Wall After a Speech... Continue »
In anticipation of Trump’s speech later tonight, elected officials and immigration experts are readily available to press to fact check and discuss the administration’s unconscionable attempts to use taxpayer money to build an unpopular border wall for a self-manufactured border crisis. For interview requests, please contact Representative Veronica Escobar (TX-16): Rep.... Continue »
Spoiler alert: everything he says is a lie Over the holidays, cooped up in the White House, Trump took to Twitter to express himself on the government shutdown over border wall funding. Glenn Kessler, fact-checker at the Washington Post, takes Trump’s lies and distortions apart, one by one. Excerpts... Continue »
The Trump Administration may have continued its all-out anti-immigrant assault throughout 2018, but they were met at every turn by countless courageous individuals who marched in the streets for their immigrant neighbors, voted against xenophobic candidates and campaigns, spoke truth to power, and demanded the Administration treat immigrants with... Continue »
English Midland Reporter Telegram No deal: Congress moves to avert border wall shutdown By Kevin Diaz December 19, 2018 Bloomberg (Opinion) Trump Is Making Americans More Immigrant-Friendly By Francis Wilkinson December 19, 2018 Wall Street Journal Homeland Security Chief Set to Testify on Child’s Death at Border By Joshua... Continue »