America’s Voice
PHOTOS: Federal Workers Protest in Senate Offices
SCOTUS declines to hear DACA, allowing Dreamers to continue renewing applications
New Polls: Public Overwhelmingly Blames Trump and the GOP for Shutdown Over Unpopular Border Wall
HuffPost Trump’s ‘Compromise’ Immigration Offer To Democrats Includes Major Changes Restricting Asylum Law
By Igor Bobic
January 22, 2019
New York Times At the One-Issue White House, the Standoff Over a Border Wall Displaces Other Priorities
By Peter Baker
January 22, 2019
New York Times Senate Leaders Plan Competing Bills to End Shutdown
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Julie Hirschfeld Davis
January 22, 2019
Washington Post Trump shut down the government over his wall. It’s jeopardizing his other priorities.
By Colby Itkowitz and JM Rieger
January 22, 2019
Washington Post Why can’t Democrats and Republicans resolve the shutdown? Because their voters don’t want them to.
By Colby Itkowitz
January 22, 2019
Politico Centrist Dems urge Pelosi to break shutdown stalemate
January 22, 2019
The Hill McConnell blocks bill to temporarily reopen DHS
January 22, 2019
The Hill Dem lawmaker calls on Democrats to ‘give Trump the money’ for border wall
January 22, 2019
USA Today Government shutdown, Day 32: Senate to vote Thursday in first sign of congressional movement
By Michael Collins and Eliza Collins
January 22, 2019
New York Times G.O.P. Bill to End Shutdown Draws Protests Over Asylum Restrictions
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Julie Hirschfeld Davis
January 22, 2019
Washington Post President Trump spins asylum restrictions as humanitarian relief
By Salvador Rizzo
January 22, 2019
Politico Republicans load spending bill with hard-line measures targeting asylum
January 22, 2019
The Hill Obama ICE chief: Trump’s border wall proposal makes ‘so little sense’
January 22, 2019
The Hill Senate Dems introduces bill to keep DACA info private
January 22, 2019
USA Today
By Alan Gomez
January 23, 2019
CNBC Trump’s border wall offer looks doomed in the Senate as 800,000 government workers face another lost paycheck during shutdown
By Jacob Pramuk
January 23, 2019
Mother Jones The Senate Republican Proposal to End the Shutdown Is Even More Extreme Than Trump’s
By Noah Lanard
January 22, 2019
Politico Poll: Shutdown, Russia drive Trump to all-time high disapproval
January 22, 2019
The Hill Immigration is top issue facing country: poll
January 22, 2019
The Hill Trump’s approval rating holds steady at 45 percent amid government shutdown: poll
January 22, 2019
Associated Press Man Linked to 4 Killings Suspected of Being in US Illegally
January 22, 2019
New York Times Arrest of Immigrant Suspected in 4 Nevada Killings Draws Trump’s Attention
By Matt Stevens, Emily S. Rueb and Elisha Brown
January 22, 2019
Associated Press AP Exclusive: Adoptee Deported by US Sues S. Korea, Agency
January 23, 2019
Associated Press Lawyers: Immigrant Kids’ Detention Is Prolonged, Unexplained
January 22, 2019
Associated Press Judge hearing testimony on 2020 census citizenship question
January 22, 2019
Reuters Supreme Court Again Mum on Trump’s ‘Dreamers’ Appeals
January 22, 2019
New York Times Supreme Court Doesn’t Act on Trump’s Appeal in ‘Dreamers’ Case
By Adam Liptak
January 22, 2019
Washington Post Supreme Court undermines Trump’s strategy on government shutdown with immigration decision
By Erica Werner , John Wagner and Jeff Stein
January 22, 2019
Tuscon News Shutdown stalls immigration hearings in AZ, across US
By Vicki Karr
January 23, 2019
Associated Press Families Keep Trying to Cross Border, Wall or No Wall
January 23, 2019
New York Times ‘It’s Not a Wall,’ but Steel Slats and Barbed Wire Roil a Border Town
By Jose A. Del Real
January 23, 2019
CBS News How do we know how many people cross the border illegally?
January 23, 2019
CBS News Father says he’ll do “whatever it takes” to get 5-year-old from El Salvador across U.S. border
January 23, 2019
KFOX 14 What happens with immigrants after they cross the border?
By John Purvis
January 23, 2019
The Hill MS-13 member who helped law enforcement as informant is deported: report
January 22, 2019
Bloomberg The Immigration Crackdown Doesn’t Apply to Rich People
By Lionel Laurent
January 23, 2019
Guam Daily Post DHS bans additional Filipino H-2 workers across the US
By Gaynor D. Daleno
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal U.S. Officials Cite Global Isolationist Tendencies Among New Security Risks
By Warren P. Strobel
January 22, 2019
Slate The Democratic Approach to Immigration in 2020
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal New Caravan Grows as Mexico Eases Passage
By Juan Montes
January 22, 2019
Politico Trump’s health secretary refuses Democrats’ request to testify on separated kids
January 22, 2019
Washington Post (Editorial) How to break the impasse: Spurn both sides’ hard-liners
January 23, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Opinion) A Bipartisan Shutdown Solution
By William A. Galston
January 22, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) The Downside of Anti-Trump Rage
By Fred Barnes
January 22, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Here’s a better chant for Trump’s base than ‘build the wall’
By Karen Tumulty
January 23, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump is being the adult in the room on the shutdown
By Marc A. Thiessen
January 22, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) The shutdown madness must stop. If Trump doesn’t act soon, Democrats should.
By Joe Davidson
January 22, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) The Supreme Court reveals Trump’s disingenuousness on DACA
By Jennifer Rubin
January 22, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Odds of border agents being corrupted grow as shutdown continues
January 22, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Small but powerful amendment could lessen immigration detention
January 22, 2019
Forbes (Opinion) A Solution To The Immigration Crisis: A Peace Corps In Reverse?
By Thomas Dichter
January 23, 2019
Forbes (Opinion) Analysts Find Restrictive Measures In New Trump Immigration Bill
By Stuart Anderson
January 23, 2019
Minneapolis Star Tribune (Op-Ed) Immigration: What we saw in Tijuana, and the solutions it suggests
By Dr. Lynne Fiscus, Dr. Miguel Fiol and Jill Foss
January 23, 2019
Noticiero Univision Apoyo de latinos para Trump aumenta a 19%, según una encuesta (Video)
By Claudia Uceda
January 22, 2019
Noticiero Univision ¿Por cuánto tiempo estará vigente DACA tras el nuevo fallo de la Corte Suprema? (Video)
By Luis Megid
January 22, 2019
Univision Demócratas aseguran que la propuesta migratoria de Trump para reabrir el gobierno es “inaceptable”
By Jorge Cancino
January 22, 2019
Univision ¿Es Trump un racista?
By Jorge Ramos
January 22, 2019
El Nuevo Herald (FL) Caravanas, una respuesta al muro
By Benjamín Deyurre
January 21, 2019
LatinoCalifornia ‘Este no es momento de tácticas de relaciones públicas: abran el gobierno’
By Pili Tobar
January 22, 2019
Radio Bilingüe La propuesta de Trump es tan falsa como su “arte” de negociar
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 22, 2019
Hoy Dallas La propuesta de Trump es tan falsa como su “arte de negociar”
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 22, 2019
El Nuevo Herald A pesar de recomendación de Pelosi, Trump prevé dar su Estado de la Unión
By Jill Colvin- Associated Press
January 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El Congreso vota un profundo cambio de las leyes migratorias impulsado por Trump
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump está decidido a dar el discurso del Estado de la Unión y busca dónde
By Juliana Jiménez
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias Por qué el fallo de la Corte Suprema sobre DACA aleja mucho más una solución al cierre parcial del gobierno
By Jorge Cancino
January 22, 2019
La Opinión Este latino traicionó a la MS-13. Ayudó al FBI a salvar vidas. ICE lo deportó
By Telemundo
January 22, 2019
La Opinión (CA) La propuesta de Trump, tan falsa como su ‘arte de negociar’
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias La propuesta de Trump es tan falsa como su “arte de negociar”
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
January 22, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Tribunal Supremo desestima intervenir sobre jóvenes indocumentados
By Agencia EFE
January 22, 2019
CNN en Español La separación familiar comenzó antes de la política de cero tolerancia (Video)
January 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo La increíble propuesta para financiar el muro fronterizo de Trump
By La Opinión
January 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo “Tu primera muerte será difícil”. Este latino traicionó a la MS-13. Ayudó al FBI a salvar vidas. ICE le ha deportado
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias La Corte Suprema revive decreto de Trump que prohíbe transgéneros en las fuerzas armadas
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias A 32 días de cierre: Trump ataca a los demócratas y estos exigen reabrir el gobierno para volver a negociar
January 22, 2019
La Opinión Avanza en Centroamérica y Estados Unidos plan de AMLO para inmigrantes
January 22, 2019
Telemundo Arizona Gobierno cerrado: incertidumbre tras propuesta de Trump
January 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Nueva herramienta facilita los trámites migratorios
January 22, 2019
La Opinión Buenas noticias para DACA llegan desde el Supremo
January 22, 2019
Noti-América EE.UU.: Cierre del gobierno entra en su segundo mes, se agudiza disputa por el muro
By Voa Noticias
January 22, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Propuesta de Trump enfrenta un futuro incierto en el Senado
By Jill Colvin y Lisa Mascaro- Associated Press
January 22, 2019
CNN en Español La Corte Suprema permite que entre en efecto la prohibición a personas transgénero en las fuerzas militares
By Ariane De Vogue
January 22, 2019
CNN en Español EE.UU.: La Corte Suprema no debatirá DACA y prohibe a transgénero en fuerzas armadas de EE.UU. (Video)
January 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo La Corte Suprema opta por no tomar acción sobre DACA. La decisión pasa a las cortes inferiores
By Noticias Telemundo con información de Pete Williams de NBC News
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias La Corte Suprema decide no actuar sobre DACA permitiendo que el programa siga vigente
By Jorge Cancino
January 22, 2019
La Opinión Gran victoria para Trump en la Corte Suprema
January 22, 2019
La Opinión Acusan a inmigrante africano de pertenecer a la MS-13, pero él no sabía ni lo que era
By Telemundo
January 22, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Centroamericanos esperan en frontera seguir su viaje a EEUU
By Sonia Pérez D- Associated Press
January 21, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Nueva caravana migrante espera en la frontera con México para seguir su viaje a EEUU
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
January 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump insiste en levantar “un poderoso muro” cuando arranca el segundo mes del cierre del gobierno
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP y EFE
January 22, 2019
Univision Noticias “Los demócratas quieren jugar juegos políticos”, escribe Trump a 32 días del cierre del gobierno
January 22, 2019