America’s Voice Trump’s Punitive Policy is Failing at the Border and There’s a Better Way Immigration 101: the 2020 Census and the Citizenship Question El privilegio de ser un “frustrado” presidente blanco y republicano Las noticias más destacadas en Español English Buzzfeed News The Trump Administration Has Set Projected... Continue »
It Starts at the Top In just one week, it has been reported that the President told Border Patrol officers to violate the law, assured his appointed acting DHS Secretary that he would pardon him for breaking the law, and that he is serious about using taxpayer dollars to... Continue »
America’s Voice Trump Campaign-Style Border Photo Op Shows Fear Is The Central Theme for Trump 2020 La realidad económica de la frontera ha evitado su cierre English Bloomberg Immigration Groups Ask Fortune 500 CEOs to Blacklist Trump Aides By Jennifer Epstein April 05, 2019 The Hill Homeland security officials... Continue »
America’s Voice A Rational, Effective, and Humane Response to Steadily Increasing Numbers of Asylum Seekers at the U.S. Mexico Border Consequences of GOP Support for Trump’s So-Called National Emergency: Wall Funding “May Come at Expense of Schools for Military Kids” Sobornar para acceder a la Universidad no garantiza el... Continue »
America’s Voice Outrage Builds In Texas with Cornyn, Cruz Support of Trump’s Wall as Property Set to Be Seized, Military Funds Diverted Outrage Builds with GOP Support of Trump’s Wall as Property Set to Be Seized, Military Funds Diverted In 2020 Campaign, John Cornyn is the Texas Mouthpiece for... Continue »
America’s Voice GOP Senators Gave Green Light for Trump to Raid Military Budget to Fund Wall; Red Lights Flashing as States Fear Impact Why did the Trump Administration Meticulously Track Reproductive Cycles of Immigrant Girls in Custody, But Fail to Create a Tracking System for Separated Families? English The... Continue »
Frank Sharry: “It’s a fake national emergency to justify a fake solution which most likely will be supported by some fake constitutional conservatives” America’s Voice strongly recommends a YES vote on H.J.Res.46, a resolution already passed by the House to block President Trump’s unconstitutional and unpopular national emergency declaration... Continue »
The Senate is poised to join the House and vote for the resolution blocking President Trump’s unconstitutional and unpopular emergency declaration. With leading conservative voices and constitutional scholars joining the majority of both chambers in opposing Trump’s power grab, Senator David Perdue should declare whether he intends to stand... Continue »
America’s Voice ICYMI: Houston Chronicle Editorial: Inaction is Sen. Cornyn’s Legacy The Humanitarian Challenge of Asylum Seekers From Central America Senator Perdue Should Stand with Constitution, Vote to Reject Trump’s Unconstitutional Emergency Declaration Power Grab Senator Alexander Should Stand with Constitution, Vote to Reject Trump’s Unconstitutional Emergency Declaration Power... Continue »
America’s Voice Pili Tobar: “It’s time for the Senate to join the House, block President Trump’s power grab and get back to real work” Rep. Filemon Vela: “This Texas-Mexico border land is the private owners’ land” More Conservative Voices Call on GOP to Stand with Constitution and Vote Yes... Continue »