That's right folks, break out the paddles -- and the cell phones. Before we regroup for the holidays and move forward to what's next for real immigration reform, it is critical that everyone who cares about the future of DREAM call the following Senators to let them know what... Continue »
19/12/10 a 8:30pm por Maribel Hastings Maribel Hastings America’s Voice WASHINGTON – A fines de 2009 dije que si en el 2010 no progresaba ninguna medida de alivio migratorio tendría que cerrar el año con una columna que usara el estribillo de un aguinaldo de Navidad puertorriqueño que dice:... Continue »
Here's a slideshow of DREAM Act champions in the Senate and DREAM youth from across the country reacting strongly to today's Senate vote -- in which the DREAM Act obtained majority support (55-41) but not the 60 votes needed to beat a Republican filibuster. While there were many... Continue »
As the DREAM Act moves toward Senate action this month, a number of Republican senators are raising excuse after excuse to try to avoid a vote on the bill. But a growing number of political analysts and religious leaders are pointing out the shortsightedness of Republican opposition to... Continue »
As the U.S. Senate prepares to take up the DREAM Act this month, pressure is building on Senate Republicans to do the right thing and help the bill become law. With a majority of Democratic senators supporting the bill, the only thing standing in the way of passing... Continue »
Ever since Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that he intended to keep his promise and bring DREAM up for a vote in the lame duck session of Congress, Republican senators—caught between their nativist wing and the need to appeal to a broader group of voters in 2012... Continue »
As the U.S. Senate prepares to take up the DREAM Act as soon as this week, pressure is building on Senate Republicans to support the bill – because it's the right thing to do for the country and the right thing to do for the party. In an important development... Continue »
20/12/10 a 5:48pm por Maribel Hastings WASHINGTON – At the end of 2009, I said that if no immigration relief bill passed in 2010, I’d have to end the year with a column using the chorus from a Puerto Rican Christmas carol: “Todos los años vienen con la misma... Continue »
Senado abre la puerta a considerar la versión aprobada por la Cámara Baja I. Puntos a destacar: La decisión del liderazgo del Senado de dejar de lado su versión del proyecto de ley DREAM Act para poder considerar la versión aprobada por la Cámara de Representantes, representa una renovada... Continue »
Republican champion of the DREAM Act Senator Dick Lugar (R-IN) recently told POLITICO that he absolutely will vote yes on the DREAM Act, which is welcome news as advocates work to reach out to Republican swing votes: "After Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delayed a test vote on the... Continue »