"The Senate hearing kicked off one of this year's highest stakes policy debates and put down a clear marker that immigration reform is on its way," said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice. "It was also notable to contrast the practical and solutions-oriented perspective offered by the pro-reform... Continue »
05/05/09 a 9:18am Washington, DC – La audiencia que condujo la semana pasada el panel de Inmigración del Senado evidenció la necesidad de avanzar una reforma migratoria integral y también puso de manifiesto el ímpetu que están cobrando los esfuerzos para hacer realidad una reforma sensible que suponga resultados... Continue »
"This past election was a game-changer and both parties are confronted with the new politics of the issue," said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice. "The election showed that swing voters want solutions to tough problems rather than political finger pointing, Latino voters want their contributions respected... Continue »