Georgia is one of the rare states with two primaries, and a runoff election today just named Secretary of State Brian Kemp as the Republican nominee for Governor. Kemp ran against Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle for an opportunity to face off against Democrat Stacey Abrams in the fall. Kemp,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice ICYMI: Rewire, “Trump’s Extension of Somalis’ Protected Status ‘Does Not Go Far Enough’’ Re Kirstjen Nielsen: “Is she a careerist, cowed by Trump, willfully blind, evil — or all of the above?” What Kind of Hack is Kirstjen Nielsen? Vox: “Elizabeth Warren confronts Trump nominee for her... Continue »
Since at least April of this year, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been out across the country giving speeches that are helping to lay the foundation for an anti-immigrant political strategy in the 2018 midterms. Republicans have already made it clear that this is what they will run on... Continue »
Published June 22, 2018; updated August 15, 2018 Kris Kobach is Kansas’ current Secretary of State and Republican candidate for Kansas Governor, and an anti-immigrant extremist who has  served as the xenophobic right’s lawyer for more than a decade. He is known for his connections to some of the... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Trump Executive Order Fails to End Family Separation, Calls for Kids and their Families to be Detained, Together or Separately Policy and Legal Experts Respond to Trump’s Executive Order Republican and Trump’s Plan to Keep Families in Detention is Not a Solution to Family Separation and It... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice As Trump Rips Kids from Families, House GOP Engages in Theater of the Absurd We Have The Power to Stop Trump From Putting Kids In Cages Bipartisan Group of 75 Former US Attorneys — Including Two Ohioans — Denounce Trump Policy of Separating Families at Border Any... Continue »
Tonight, Corey Stewart won the Republican nomination for United States Senate in Virginia. There’s a lot of competition for which candidate will be the most extreme, anti-immigrant nominee running this year, but, given his long, sordid history, Stewart is going to be among the worst. We’ve been following his... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice ICYMI: Washington Post, “Going Home After Half a Lifetime” Where Is My Child? Who Will Take Care of My Child? Trump is “Gratuitously Embracing Cruelty” English Crooked DONALD TRUMP’S ANTI-IMMIGRANT ARMY By Julissa Arce May 30, 2018 Personal Tech MD Donald Trump Rips Democrats for Tweeting Border... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Serie: Lo que realmente somos como inmigrantes GOP Goes All-In on the Trump’s Fear-Mongering ICYMI: A Mom Describes Anguish and Fear When Her 18-Month-Old Son Was Taken From her by DHS for More than Two Months English New York Times Trump Officials, Moving to Break Up Migrant... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Fact Check: Legal and Policy Experts Translate the White House’s Immigration Lies ICYMI: Washington Post Calls Out Trump Administration’s “Impossibly Cruel” Immigration Policies, Including Canceling Temporary Protected Status (TPS) El ‘Trump Show’ Marco Rubio, We Know You Know Better About Separation of Migrant Children New Analysis of... Continue »