On behalf of America’s Voice, Benenson Strategy Group conducted a national poll from May 9 to 12, 2009. The poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters and had a margin of error of 3.1%. Three-quarters of voters supported congressional action on immigration reform in 2009; 57% said the issue was crucial...
Apr 27, 2009
The New York Times / CBS poll conducted a telephone survey of 973 adults from April 22 to 26, 2009. The poll had a margin of error of +/-3%. Support for pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants higher in 2009 than in 2008. Forty-four percent of poll respondents supported...
Apr 25, 2009
The Washington Post-ABC News conducted a telephone poll of 1,072 adults from April 21- 24, 2009. The poll had a margin of error of +/-3%. Sixty-one percent of respondents supported a program allowing undocumented immigrants in the United States to live here legally after meeting certain requirements.To the question...
Apr 22, 2009
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press conducted a 2009 Values Survey. The first part of the poll was conducted from March 31 to April 6, 2009 reaching 1,506 voters. The second poll was conducted from April 14 to April 21, 2009 reaching 1,507 voters. There...
New polling sponsored by America's Voice and Immigration08.com found that a large majority of voters broadly supports comprehensive immigration reform. Supporters of enforcement-only policies may be loud, but there are not very many of them. In this difficult economy, voters are more likely to support immigration reforms that move...
Nov 25, 2008
Among many new findings, the poll found strong support for the President-elect and the new Democratic Congress among Latino voters. This comes with high expectations on the part of Latinos to see their communities do better over the next four years. Nearly 70% of Latino voters expect the situation...
November 2008 – America’s Voice National Poll (Lake Research Partners and Benenson Strategy Group) On behalf of America’s Voice, Lake Research Partners and Benenson Strategy Group conducted a survey that oversampled Latino voters, using bilingual interviewing to interview 371 Latinos between November 5 and 9, 2008. The margin of...
November 2008 – America’s Voice National Poll (Lake Research Partners and Benenson Strategy Group) On behalf of America’s Voice, Lake Research Partners and Benenson Strategy Group conducted a survey of 1000 voters between November 5 and 9, 2008. The margin of error was +/- 3.1%. Seventy-eight percent of voters...
Statewide and congressional district-wide polling was conducted for America’s Voice by Benenson Strategy Group and Lake Research Partners before and after the 2008 November election. The Benenson Strategy Group and Lake Research Partners conducted 3371 poll of likely voters in 9 swing congressional districts from September 23 to October...
Nov 6, 2008
View the powerpoint of exit polling in Chicago, LA, and Miami on "The Immigration Issue and the 2008 Presidential Election."