The lives of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants and their families continue to hang in the balance, following another decision against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by an anti-immigrant court in Texas. Will Rep. Carlos Giménez (R-FL) stand up to his extremist colleagues in order... Continue »
The lives of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants and their families continue to hang in the balance, following another decision against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by an anti-immigrant court in Texas. Will Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) stand up to his extremist colleagues in order... Continue »
The lives of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants and their families continue to hang in the balance, following another decision against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by an anti-immigrant court in Texas. Will Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) stand up to his extremist colleagues in order... Continue »
The lives of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants and their families continue to hang in the balance, following another decision against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by an anti-immigrant court in Texas. Will Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) stand up to his extremist colleagues in order... Continue »
Con el Día de la Ciudadanía y la Constitución como telón de fondo, se redoblan esfuerzos para que los residentes permanentes elegibles se hagan ciudadanos y participen plenamente del proceso democrático en la elección de sus líderes, sobre todo de cara a los comicios generales de 2024. En Estados... Continue »
Nearly 7,000 eligible immigrants will be naturalized as U.S. citizens as part of this year’s Citizenship Day and Constitution Day, which were marked this past Sunday. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) plans to naturalize more than 6,900 eligible immigrants in over 130 ceremonies that began earlier this month.... Continue »
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is corrupt, despite the disgraceful acquittal on 16 articles of impeachment by Texas Senate Republicans this past weekend. Let’s just do a quick background review: Paxton was indicted for felony state securities fraud back in 2015, is facing a federal corruption investigation, was impeached... Continue »
English Truthout The Fate of the “Dreamers” Is Likely Headed to the Right-Dominated Supreme Court By Marjorie Cohn September 18, 2023 USA Today Amid latest court ruling against DACA, young immigrants face perpetual uncertainty By Rick Jervis September 15, 2023 Bloomberg Law DACA’s Fate in Doubt as Case Starts... Continue »
Washington, DC – The Republican push to shut down the government, including over the border and immigration, is the crescendo of their relentless focus on anti-immigrant themes during the Biden administration. Meanwhile, blue states and cities are facing strains over recent arrivals and how best to navigate the political... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas: “To the extent that this is a policy discussion at all, the immigration policies they propose are a perfect encapsulation of the GOP’s ongoing descent into extremism” Washington, DC – House Republicans are proposing incorporating key elements of the border and immigration policy package known as HR2... Continue »