WHEN POLITICIANS SHOUT ‘OPEN BORDERS,’ PEOPLE HEAR AND BELIEVE THEM This week, America’s Voice released a unique poll of Central Americans along with additional research that together indicates that the ubiquitous right wing anti-immigrant sound bite that “the borders are open” is actually contributing to the number of people coming to... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas: “When all else fails and their internal chaos exposes an inability to govern,” Republicans “default to blaming immigrants.” Washington, DC – It is increasingly clear that Republicans cannot agree with each other on how to keep the U.S. government open for the American people, but as they... Continue »
America’s Voice · La Semana En Inmigración – 9.29.23 En el segundo debate republicano los precandidatos siguen compitiendo por el título del más antiinmigrante Y algunos lo hacen repitiendo la falsedad de las “fronteras abiertas” que según un sondeo de America’s Voice contribuye a la migración de centroamericanos a... Continue »
Hundreds of immigrants, workers, and community members gathered outside the site of the second Republican presidential debate in California this week with a message for the candidates set to take the stage that night: hate doesn’t belong in our state. CHIRLA Action Fund, SEIU United Service Workers West, and... Continue »
English Reform Austin ‘Open Borders’ Rhetoric Fuels Surge in Migrants Heading to U.S.-Mexico Border By Staff September 27, 2023 The New York Times Border Takes Center Stage as McCarthy Seeks to Shift Shutdown Blame By Catie Edmondson, Carl Hulse, and Karoun Demirjian September 28, 2023 The Washington Post Senate... Continue »
Un sondeo comisionado por America’s Voice concluyó que la desinformación promovida por políticos republicanos de que las fronteras están “abiertas” es uno de los factores que llevan a miles de centroamericanos a emigrar, especialmente los jóvenes. Y en el segundo debate republicano, algunos de los precandidatos se reafirmaron en esa aseveración... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas: “Though the Republican candidates’ comments on immigration last night were not surprising, none of it should be normalized or viewed as anything but an extreme, cruel, and unworkable reflection of the continued descent of the GOP” Washington, DC – The following is a reaction from Vanessa Cárdenas,... Continue »
English Arizona Daily Star Migrant arrivals still straining border communities but pressure eases By Emily Bregel September 27, 2023 Latino Los Ángeles The Debate over Republican Degradation By Maribel Hastings and David Torres September 27, 2023 La Opinión (CA) The debate over Republican degradation By Maribel Hastings and David... Continue »
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings and David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week: It’s ironic that the primary candidates competing for the Republican presidential nomination—and to be seen as... Continue »
Vanessa Cárdenas: consequences of right wing disinformation “are not just poisonous to our social cohesion and to prospects of any serious policy debate, but it also has an impact beyond our borders by sowing confusion among would-be migrants” Washington, DC – On the Republican presidential debate stage tonight, and... Continue »